Lectura de tesi doctoral en arqueologia computacional

(English version below)

En el marc del programa de doctorat interuniversitari en Arqueologia Clàssica (URV-ICAC-UAB), ens plau convidar-vos a la lectura pública de la tesi doctoral de l’investigador predoctoral Iban Berganzo Besga, del grup de recerca GIAP, codirigida pel Dr. Hèctor A. Orengo (ICREA-ICAC) i el Dr. Felipe Lumbreras Ruiz (CVC-UAB).

“New Computational Methods for Automated Large-Scale Archaeological Site Detection”.

L’acte de defensa tindrà lloc presencialment a la Sala d’Actes de l’ICAC, el divendres 10 de març de 2023 a partir de les 11.00 h.

Tesi Iban Berganzo_cartell defensa_GIAP_2023

Computational archaeology thesis defence

As part of the interuniversity doctoral program in Classical Archeology (URV-ICAC-UAB), we are pleased to invite you to the public reading of the doctoral thesis of GIAP researcher Iban Berganzo-Besga, which has been co-directed by Prof. Hèctor A. Orengo (ICREA Research Professor at ICAC) and Felipe Lumbreras (Computer Vision Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, CVC-UAB).

“New Computational Methods for Automated Large-Scale Archaeological Site Detection”.

The defence will be hosted in ICAC’s Auditorium on Friday, March 10th, at 11h CET (on-site).