Doctoral Thesis Defense on Computational Archaeology at the ICAC
Within the framework of the interuniversity PhD program in Classical Archaeology (URV-ICAC-UAB), we are pleased to invite you to the public defense of the doctoral dissertation by predoctoral researcher Giannis Apostolou (GIAP research group). The thesis is co-supervised by Prof. Hèctor A. Orengo (ICREA-BSC-ICAC), Dr. Arnau Garcia Molsosa (ICAC), and Dr. Merkourios Georgiadis. "Multi-disciplinary survey approaches for the study of long-term cultural landscapes: The example of Grevena in Western Macedonia (Greece)". The defence will take place in person at the ICAC Auditorium on Monday, January 27, 2025, starting at 11:00 a.m.