Public defense of a doctoral thesis on the marble elements of the public baths of 'Valeria'
Within the framework of the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Classical Archaeology (URV-ICAC-UAB), we are pleased to invite you to the public defense of the doctoral thesis of predoctoral researcher Javier Atienza (URV), co-supervised by Dr Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo (URV-ICAC) and Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno,from the research group ArPA-LIRA of the ICAC-CERCA.
"The decoration of the frigadarium of the public baths of Valeria: quantitative, typological, and functional study of its marble elements." The defense will be held on-site at the ICAC Auditorium, Thursday, February 29, 2024, starting at 10:00 a.m. Free access, no registration required. We look forward to seeing you there!