Haydar, S.; Grigorescu, F.; Vintilă, M.; Cogne, Y.; Lautier, C.; Tutuncu, Y.; Brun, J. F.; Robine, J. M.; Pugeat, M.; Normand, Cr.; Poucheret, P.; Gheorghiu, M. L.; Georgescu, C.; Badiu, C.; Băculescu, N.; Renard, E.; Ylli, D.; Badiou, S.; Sutra, T.; Cristol, J. P.; Mercier, J.; Gomis, R.; Macias, J. M.; Litvinov, S.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Poiana, C.; Pasquali, R.; Lauro, D.; Sesti, G.; Prudente, S.; Trischitta, V.; Tsatsoulis, A.; Abdelhak, S.; Barakat, A.; Zenati, A.; Ylli, A.; Satman, I.; Kanninen, T.; Rinato, Y.; Missoni, S., "Fine-scale haplotype mapping of MUT, AACS, SLC6A15 and PRKCA genes indicates association with insulin resistance of metabolic syndrome and relationship with branched chain amino acid metabolism or regulation", PLoS ONE 14(3), e0214122, p. 1-23. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 2.776 (Q2, Multidisciplinary Sciences); Scopus, CiteScore: 2.97 (Q1, 90%, Multidisciplinary) / 10.6 (ICDS).
Artículo en revistas indexadas | 2019