Colominas, L.; Evin, A.; Burch, J.; Campmajó; P.; Casas, J.; Castanyer, P.; Carreras, C.; Guardia, J.; Olesti, O.; Pons, E.; Tremoleda, J.; Palet, J. M., "Behind the steps of ancient sheep mobility in Iberia: new insights from a Geometric Morphometric approach", Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11 (9), p. 4971-4982. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 1.978 (Q3, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary); Scopus, CiteScore: 1.95 (Q1, 94%, Archeology, arts and humanities); Carhus+A / 10.5 (ICDS).
Article in indexed journals | 2019