This area aims to ensure the transparency of and public access to the information regarding the contracting undertaken by the consortium Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology 8ICAC-CERCA), in compliance with the provisions of Articles 63 and 132 of the Public Sector Contracting Act 9/2017, of 8 November, under which the directives of the European Parliament and Council Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU, of 26 February 2014 (hereinafter the Public Sector Contracting Act) were transposed into Spanish law.
The ICAC-CERCA is classified as a public administration following the provisions of Article 3.2.b of the Public Sector Contracting Act, under which the criteria governing the subjection of public sector bodies to the subjective scope of the act are determined.
- ICAC-CERCA contractor profile (PSCP, Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Public procurement services of Catalonia Platform use data (PSCP, Generalitat de Catalunya)