Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; Orengo, H.A.; Bosch, D.; Pellegrini, M.; Halstead, P.; Nieto-Espinet, A.; Trentacoste, A.; Jiménez-Manchón, S.; López-Reyes, D.; Jornet-Niella, R., "Shipping amphorae and shipping sheep? Livestock mobility in the north-east Iberian peninsula during the Iron Age based on strontium isotopic analyses of sheep and goat tooth enamel", PLOS One, 13 (10), p. e0205283. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 2.766 Q1 (multidisciplinary sciences); Scopus / 10.6 (ICDS).
Article in indexed journals | 2018