D'esquerra a dreta, Elías Serrano, Sandra Cano, Carme Codina, Álvaro Espigales i Noemí Escayola
Five students of the second year of the Master’s Degree in Classical Archeology (joint program URV-UAB-ICAC) made the public defence of their Master’s dissertation.
Master candidates faced up the situation and successfully passed the demonstration.
Each candidate had 20 minutes for the oral presentation and they used a slide presentation to show and summarize the results of their research.
Overall, the members of the Evaluation Commission highlighted the academic work done by the students, who have shown good skills in the search of information and in the research related tasks of sources and materials analysis. There was also a mention for the scientific contributions that emerge from the dissertations, something that is not always the case in these works.

Debates after defences were led by the members of the Evaluation Commission but also by the candidates’ academic tutors. Questions and answers exchange helped to clarify specific aspects of the Master dissertation, to provide complementary information and to explain the criteria followed while carrying out the works.
Evaluation Commission will soon announce the result of its considerations.
The five Master’s dissertations presented where:
- El Códice 137 del colegio de España en Bolonia: Una aproximación arqueológica. Sandra Cano. Supervisors: Diana Gorostidi and Manuel Parada López de Corsela.
- Pompa cerimonial i culte a Nèmesi a l’amfiteatre de Tàrraco. Carme Codina. Supervisor: Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo.
- El programa decoratiu del fòrum de ‘Iulia Lybica’ (Llívia, La Cerdanya). L’ús del marbre i altes roques. Noemí Escayola. Supervisors: Anna Gutiérrez and Isabel Rodà.
- Cens epigràfic dels esclaus de Tarraco. Álvaro Espigales. Supervisor: Diana Gorostidi.
- El sarcófago de plomo del museo Castell-Cartoixa de Vallparadís (Terrassa). Elías Serrano. Supervisor: Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo.