We are working these days on the photogrammetric documentation of the north and west fronts of the Pretorian tower, in Tarragona. With this technique, we can study and define precisely the shape, dimensions and position of the monument, from the measurements made on photographs.
The intervention is part of a set of projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spanish Government), corresponding to a 2019 call for aid for conservation, protection and dissemination projects related to declared world heritage, co-funded by the Tarragona City Council.
Photogrammetric documentation works were scheduled in a joined project awarded to the URV Foundation and the ICAC, for an amount of 5,227.50 euros.
Tarragona Ràdio, «Inicien les tasques de documentació fotogramètrica a la torre del Pretori».
Tarragona Digital, «L’ICAC realitza els treballs de documentació fotogramètica de la Torre del Pretori de Tarragona».