ICAC and ETSA-URV are these days working on photogrammetric documentation of the section of the Tarragona Roman wall that runs from the Via del Imperi to the black fort.
Tasks consisted of a double survey: laser scanner and photogrammetry. Thanks to the combination of the two techniques, researchers will be able to study and precisely define the shape, dimensions and position of the different elements (whether Roman, medieval or modern) of this section of the wall.
This intervention has been awarded by the Tarragona City Council to the URV Foundation, for an amount of 7,450 €, through a technology transfer project where the URV School of Architecture and the ICAC have joined efforts to compose a multidisciplinary work team.
People in charge of the documentation tasks were Josep Maria Toldrà (ETSA-URV), Karen Fortuny (ICAC) and Josep Maria Puche (ICAC).