Open registration for the Fifth International Conference on Archaeology and Ancient World ‘Tarraco Biennal’.
The conference should have been celebrated in November 2020, but it was postponed due to the health emergency of the covid-19.
This year we restart this meeting the following November 24th to 27th, with the topic ‘Roman harbours. Archaeology of port systems’. The directors of the conference are Ada Lasheras, Joaquin Ruiz de Arbulo and Patricia Terrado. Oral sessions will take place in the main lecture hall of the Faculty of Arts at the University Rovira i Virgili (Campus Catalunya, Tarragona).
The conference aims to study the organisation of harbours, particularly focusing on their interconnected nature both at a local/regional level and on a Mediterranean-wide scale. The objective is to analyse ports not just as built infrastructures, but also as nodes within a network of lesser regional harbours and anchorages –which configured “port-systems”– and crossroads of goods and people within the long-distance Mediterranean and Atlantic exchange routes.
Open registration! Inscriptions for attendance are free, here: registration form. Registered participants will be able to obtain a certificate of attendance.
The fulfilment of archaeological fieldwork at paleocoastal areas has brought the need for the implementation of specific techniques to address the challenges of maritime archaeology, such as the study of shipwrecks or the recovery of other material remains buried in the basins of harbours or anchorages.
Sedimentology, paleoenvironmental studies and historical cartography research are further methodologies and approaches which have been also applied to complement the archaeological data. Together with this, it has been always important to reflect again upon the written sources to search for new insights or reinterpretations of the Greco-Latin texts.
Structure of the conference and attendance
This year the conference becomes a closed event. There will be nineteen keynote presentations conducted by several internationally renowned specialists in the field. The meeting will broaden knowledge and prompt scientific debates through the research in the main harbours and port systems of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, both maritime and fluvial.
Check out here the full program of the conference.
The conference will take place from November 24th to November 26th (morning and afternoon), while the 28th is destined for cultural visits (Port Museum and National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona).
→ The conference has a prevention protocol against Covid-19 with the aim of holding the event with maximum safety guarantees, according to the guideline of the PROCICAT and the University Rovira i Virgili the following November of 2021.
Organized by:
Scientific Committee:
With the collaboration of:
Serveis Territorials d’Arqueologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Museu d’Història de Tarragona, Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona (MNAT), Museus Diocesans de Tarragona, Reial Societat Arqueològica de Tarragona (RSAT).
Supported by:
Fundació Privada Mutua Catalana, Ajuntament de Tarragona, Port de Tarragona, Diputació de Tarragona, FIATC i el projecte europeu EuroTech (URV/ICAC).