Open registration to attend the I International Scientific Meeting Opera Sectilia and other marble coatings in Hispania, until November 9.
In 1996, Dr. Esther Pérez Olmedo put in the hands of the scientific community the first systematization of linings in opus sectile documented in the Iberian Peninsula, a work that has become an obligatory reference for any study versed in the matter inside and outside of Spain.
Twenty-five years after this publication, novel testimonies and the advance of research in this field of study have modified many of the theoretical and methodological concepts assumed in the characterization of this type of decorative linings.
Facing such a promising scenario, it was necessary to hold a specialized scientific meeting in which to present the most recent findings and discuss the problems that affect the study of opus sectile on provincial territories.
Within the framework of different ongoing research projects, the ICAC ArPA team and the University of Murcia organize a scientific meeting that, under the title ‘Opera sectilia and other marble coverings in Hispania‘, will be held in Murcia November 18 to 20, 2021.
Check out the final program with full information on the event, speakers and communications, and registration.
The event will be held in a hybrid modality. Face-to-face presentations will take place at the University of Murcia and at the Museo Arqueológico Municipal “Enrique Escudero de Castro” (Cartagena). Virtual sessions will be available for registered people. More information here.
Open registration until Novembre, 9
Organizing Committee:
- Laura Galán Palomares, ICAC (ArPA).
- Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, ICAC (ArPA).
- Begoña Soler Huertas, Universidad de Murcia – ICAC (ArPA).
Scientific Committee:
- Dr. José María Álvarez Martínez, Fundación de Estudios Romanos.
- Dra. Alicia Fernández Díaz, Universidad de Murcia.
- Dra. Virginia García-Entero, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
- Dr. Federico Guidobaldi, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
- Dra. Isabel Gutiérrez Deza, Universidad de Córdoba.
- Dra. Irene Mañas Romero, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
- Dr. José Miguel Noguera Celdrán, Universidad de Murcia.
- Dr. Trinidad Nogales Basarrate, Museo Nacional de Arte Romano.
- Dr. Sebastián Ramallo Asensio, Universidad de Murcia.
- Dra. Isabel Rodà de Llanza, ICAC (ArPA).
Joint activity of the following research projects:
- Vivere in urbe. Arquitectura residencial en las ciudades de Carthago Nova, Valentia y Lucentum. Investigación y socialización (PID2019-105376GB-C41).
- Sulcato marmore ferro (SULMARE). Canteras, talleres, artesanos y comitentes de las producciones artísticas en piedra en la Hispania Tarraconensis (PID2019-106967GB-I00).
- El mensaje del mármol: Prestigio, simbolismo y materiales locales en las provincias occidentales del imperio romano entre época antigua y alto-medieval a través del caso de Hispania y Aquitania (PGC2018-099851-A-I00).