The III Iberians in the Ebro International Congress will take place on November 10th, 11th, and 12th in the municipality of Tivissa (Tarragona).
The definition and knowledge of the Iberian peoples who inhabited the Ebro River have gained significant relevance and scientific solidity due to the quantitative and qualitative increase in archaeological research conducted in recent years in Terres de l’Ebre, Sénia, and Bajo Aragón.
This intensive research activity, combined with the consolidation of analytical techniques, now allows for a comprehensive review of the first millennium BCE in these territories from a holistic perspective.
Precisely for this reason, and after twelve years since the previous congress, the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the University of Barcelona – through its established research group GRACPE (Research Group on Complexity Archaeology and Social Evolution Processes)- and the Tivissa City Council are launching the III Congrés Internacional Ibers a l’Ebre to gather contributions, within the field of archaeological research, on the protohistory in the lower course of the Ebro.
M. Carme Belarte (ICAC-ICREA) and Marta Mateu are members of the Scientific Committee of the III Iberians in the Ebro International Congress.
The congress will be organized into nine thematic blocks, each of which will be introduced by a keynote presentation. Scientific contributions in poster format will be accepted in each block to facilitate the discussions during the roundtable sessions of the various congress sessions.
Here are the thematic blocks:
- Before the Ilercavones. Terres de l’Ebre and Sénia during the Early Iron Age.
- Chronological Framework. Dating and Periodizations: Debating Chronocultural Horizons.
- Practices and Rituals, Funerary World. The Funerary Phenomenon: Ideological Framework, Rituals, Iconography, and Physical Anthropology.
- Settlement Structure, Architecture, and Urban Planning. Urban Evolution and the Emergence of Cities. Archaeological Analysis of the Territory.
- Defensive Systems. Structural, Technical, Functional, and Symbolic Evolution of Fortifications during the First Millennium BC.
- Material Culture. Typological Studies, Economy and Trade, Domestic Activities, and Archaeometric Studies.
- Second Punic War. Archaeology of the Conflict.
- Hiberus flumen. Changes and Continuities during Romanization. Iconographic Elements, New Epigraphic and Numismatic Discoveries, Sources, and Historiography.
- Heritage Socialization. New Technologies in the Presentation of Archaeological Heritage.
Open call for proposals!
⇒ The deadline for submitting poster proposals is now open: see PDF in Catalan and Spanish.
- Brief summary (500-700 characters) indicating the full names of the authors, the study’s affiliation, and the thematic block.
- Proposals are accepted in Catalan, Spanish, English, or French.
- Submit the proposal to ibersebre2023congres@gmail.com.
- Format: A4 in portrait orientation.
Deadline: September 25, 2023.
Prize: The three best posters will be awarded based on popular vote, taking into account their content and presentation.
Scientific Committee: David Asensio (UB-UAB), M. Carme Belarte (ICAC-ICREA), Jordi Diloli (URV), Luís Fatás (DGA), David Garcia (UB), Rafel Jornet (STDCTE, Gencat), Marta Mateu (ICAC), Jaume Noguera (UB), Samuel Sardà (URV).