Extended deadline to submit poster proposals (until October 6) to the III Iberians in the Ebro International Congress.
The organization of the III Iberians in the Ebro International Congress, which will take place at the Casal Cultural de Tivissa from the 10th to the 12th of next November, wants to announce that the deadline to submit poster proposals is extended until October 6th.
A brief summary of 500–700 characters must be sent that indicates the name and surname of the authors, affiliation, title of the study, and thematic block to which it is assigned.
Proposals must be sent by email at ibersebre2023congres@gmail.com.
Deadline: 6 de octubre.
The acceptance of the proposals will be communicated on October 9. During the days of the congress, attendees will be able to vote for the 3 best posters of the congress and the winners will receive a diploma and gift from the organization.
More info: 2a circular del congrés
All people who want to participate in the congress, whether they are authors of a poster or want to attend as listeners, will have to formalize their registration before October 29 using the form: https://forms.gle/qcE6SYS3z33myuFr5.
Free registration! Before October 29, at: https://forms.gle/qcE6SYS3z33myuFr5.
Registration allows access to the sessions of the three days of the congress and the guided tour of the city of Kum (Castellet de Banyoles). All people will receive the corresponding certificate of attendance.
More info: 2a circular del congrés
Tivissa, seat of archaeological heritage
25 years of excavations at the Iberian site of Castellet de Banyoles
The Tivissa City Council has always been interested in archaeological heritage. Its recent history has been intrinsically linked to the Castellet de Banyoles site, one of the most significant in Iberian archeology since the beginning of the 20th century, with the discovery of the so-called Tivissa treasure first, the excavation of the pentagonal towers later, the recent delimitation of the urban layout of the Iberian city and recently the discovery of its Iberian toponym: kum.
Precisely this year 2023 marks 25 years since the excavations carried out at the Iberian site of Castellet de Banyoles in Tivissa (Ribera d’Ebre) by the current research team.
The congress sessions will take place at the Casal Cultural de Tivissa (c/ Portell, 2), where the presentations will be made, the discussion tables will be held and where the poster exhibition space will also be.
Side activities
Provisional program of the congress:

More info: 2a circular del congrés