Author(s): Olmos, P.; Martin, C.; López-Romero, E.; Daire, M. Y.
Dates: 22/08/2016 - 25/08/2016
Landscape Archaeology Conference 2016
Uppsala Universitet
Uppsala (Suècia), del 23 al 25 d'agost
Uppsala (Suècia), del 23 al 25 d'agost
Organised by: el Department of Archaeology and Ancient History de la Uppsala Universitet
Facing the challenges of climate changes and human pressure on coastal and island cultural heritage along the European Atlantic façade, the principle of preservation by
record appears as one of the most appropriate answers, based on the characterization, recording and monitoring of the archaeological and palaeo-environmental features at
risk. This paper aims at presenting a dedicated strategy, resulting from an interdisciplinary approach carried out in Western France during the last decade (2006-2016), and targeting
complementary goals: 1) a scientific process, based on the recording of field data on threatened sites and their monitoring, the analyses of environmental data illustrating
the maritime landscape evolution and the characterization of the archaeological features; 2) public research development, involving volunteers in the recording of
discovery or monitoring of coastal sites, supported by the creation of dedicated tools (i.e., networks, interactive database, SmartPhone app.); 3) development of tools for the
regional and national heritage managers to prioritise protection and study strategies (i.e. reports and vulnerability maps); 4) support to the coastal management strategies,
by providing managers with scientific and historical datasets in order to gain a better