The project “Estudi i difusió de la vil·la romana de Mas dels Frares i el seu entorn (Constantí, Tarragonès), II Fase” is proposed as the logical continuation of the last project “Estudi i difusió de la vil·la romana de Mas dels Frares (Constantí, Tarragonès), Fase I” (CLT009-18-00100), carried out within the framework of the call for four-year archaeological and paleontological research projects between 2018 and 2021.
During the first phase, promoted by the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC), led by Josep M. Macias and sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya, la Facultat d’Enologia de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, l’Ajuntament de Constantí i el Consell Regulador Denominació d’Origen Catalunya (DOCAT), the foundations were laid for a long-term project that seeks to characterize the archaeological and architectural reality of a Roman villa over time, making a transversal reading of the binomial site-landscape, to understand in greater depth the management of the wine activity in the Camp de Tarragona over time.
The new stage of action seeks to consolidate and expand the program of archaeological actions within the site of Mas dels Frares. On the other hand, it aims to deepen the understanding of its immediate surroundings, specifically, the cases of the Roman villa of Mas d’en Bosch, the rural settlement of the Cruz de Salom district, the medieval settlement of the old Constantine and the hermitage of San Lorenzo. Finally, this project involves consolidating a series of synergies between different specialists in the rural area adjacent to the Roman city of Tarraco and in the chronological framework described between the late Iberian period and the early Middle Ages.
Project funded by Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya (CLT009/22/00033).