Archaeometry is based on the application of analytical techniques from other scientific disciplines (geology, chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) to the study of heritage. This discipline has grown considerably in importance in recent years in the field of archaeological research. Today, archaeometric studies have become essential for obtaining a type of data that, once interpreted, significantly increase the historical information provided by archaeological finds.
The ICAC’s Archaeometric Studies Unit undertakes diverse projects and studies in which it applies analytical techniques to inorganic archaeological finds (initially ornamental stone, building materials and pottery) in order to provide an archaeological interpretation of the results.
The study of the palaeoenvironment encompasses diverse disciplines and analytical techniques that help us learn about and better understand the environments in which the diverse cultures of antiquity developed and how that environment affected or conditioned them.
The information provided by palaeobotany and palaeoecology has helped to reveal economic systems and human-environment dynamics that are rich, varied and heterogeneous, and often complex and unexpected.
The ICAC is currently carrying out anthracological, palynological and archaeozoological studies, both as part of its own projects and under external commissions.
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