Multi-temporal and multi-sensor data integration for the machine learning detection of archaeological mounds: perspectives from South Asian archaeology
Look below by looking above: contributions of the combination of aerial survey and computational methods for archaeological surveys
Applications of machine and deep learning for the identification and analysis of archaeological sites at a continental scale using 40 years of multi-source satellite data
As above so below: artificial intelligence-based detection and analysis of archaeological sites and features at a continental scal
Combining TanDEM-X with multi-temporal, multi-source satellite data for the reconstruction of the Bronze Age landscapes of the Indus civilisation
Presidència de la segona sessió del III International Congress. Mediterranean Cities. Mobility and displacement of people
El canvi sociocultural a la Cessetània oriental durant la Protohistòria i l’època romano republicana. (Projecte Quadriennal. Generalitat de Catalunya. CLT009/18/00043)
La formació, desenvolupament i dissolució de la cultura ibérica al curs inferior de l’Ebre (s. IX-I aC). (Projecte Quadriennal. Generalitat de Catalunya. CLT009/18/00027)
What happened in the highlands? Characterising Pyrenean livestock practices during the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period