Retracer les interactions entre les sociétés préhistoriques, les volcans, le climat et les paléoenvironnements dans le Massif Central.
Geoarchaeology and palaeoenvironments of the Greek colony of Abdera (Thrace): recent advances and perspectives.
Machine Learning approaches for a multi-scale and multi-source detection and characterization of archaeological sites: the case of the funerary tumuli at Abdera (Thrace, Greece, 6th – 2nd C. BCE, aprox.).
Integration of Computational Methods in Archaeological Surveys: Experimenting with Digital Approaches in the Context of the Archaeological Project of Abdera and Xanthi (APAX).
Los Jardines y la Capilla de Santa Tecla la Vella, un nuevo espacio abierto en la ciudad de Tarragona
Berdysyčran-depe: A bronze age site in the lower Tedjen river valley, Turkmenistan. Archaeological Research in Asia, 28C, 100326
Homvncio e la produzione tarda delle anfore Dressel 2: un nuovo bollo dalla basilica di Santa Balbina a Roma
Philosophers as θεῖοι ἄνδρες between Diogenes Laertius and Eunapius of Sardis. Tradition and Discontinuities in the Shaping of Miracle Workers
One-Class Classifier Ensemble Based Enhanced Semisupervised Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
Earthen architecture in the Mesoamerican Classic Period: a micromorphological approach to its manufacture process
The archaeological survey at Abdera and Xanthi 2015-2019: long-term analysis of colonial relations in Thrace