Landscape Geoarchaeology: Applications in Mediterranean Landscapes of Greece, Spain and France (IJC2020-045609-I)
«De la lletra i la pedra. La imatge i el simbolisme dels pedestals honorífics de la P(rovincia) H(ispania) C(iterior)», Cicle de conferències RSAT
Dalla geografia storica all’archeologia del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. Una irrinunciabile eredità di Massimo Quaini
A new meaning of the expression s.t-wr.t: place where the King is crowned and receives the signs of the Sed-Festival
Organizer of an International Meeting on “Historical and environmental characterisation of rural landscapes and local products: European experiences applied to conservation and valorisation»
Organizer of a public exhibition: On the trail of the shepherds in Liguria. Historical and environmental legacy of transhumance
El Congreso internacional sobre el Conjunto de Centcelles reunirá en Constantí más de veinte especialistas de ámbito internacional