Landscape change from Roman to the Early Islamic period in the Valencia (Spain) alluvial plain (1st- 10th centuries AD)”
Two cities, two strategies. Landscape dynamics in the territories of Valentia and Saguntum (Hispania Citerior) during the Late Roman Republic (2nd-1st centuries BC)”
Se retoman las excavaciones en la cueva prehistórica del valle de Núria en Queralbs, en los Pirineos.
La última campaña arqueológica en Costa de la Serra (La Secuita, Tarragona) permite definir la fachada meridional de la fortificación
The social value of funerary art. Burial practices and tomb owners in the provinces of the Roman empire
What Happened in That Pit? An Archaeozoological and GIS Approach to Study an Accumulation of Animal Carcasses at the Roman Villa of Vilauba (Catalonia)
El final de la República Romana al nord-oest Peninsular. Un “Paisatge de Conflicte” a Puig Ciutat (Oristà, Barcelona)
Investigating Combustion Structures through Experimental Approaches at Iron Age Calafell Archaeological Site (Tarragona, Spain)
Iron Age Combustion Structures in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula and South of France: a Transdisciplinary Study
An experimental approach to the study of Iron Age combustion structures in northeastern Iberia: the TRANSCOMB Project
An insigh of sheep’s seasonal reproductive patterns on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula before the Roman influence: the case of the Iron Age rural settlement of Mas Castellar de Pontós (Girona, Spain)