Continua el Cicle de Presentacions de Recerca a l’ICAC!
El proper dimarts, 9 de març, a les 12 h (UGT+1) farà la seva presentació l’investigador postdoctoral Alfredo Mayoral (equip GIAP).
«Geoarchaeological research at Abdera (Thrace,Greece) as part of TransLands/TransMed projects»
The ancient city of Abdera (Thrace, Greece) was founded by colonists from Klazomenai in the middle of the 7th century BC in the cape Bouloustra, a hilly promontory in the northern coast of the Aegean, and refunded by Teians circa 544 BC. The settlement grew into a vibrant and prosperous city in the following centuries, establishing commercial ties with all the Aegean and beyond and finally decayed in the late Roman period.
Although archaeological excavations have been developed since the 50s, very little is known about ancient landscapes and their evolution in the area. As a result, crucial aspects of the city such as the palaeoenvironmental conditions where the colonists settled, posterior landscape changes in relation to (or due to?) the development of the colony, or the shoreline displacement which forced to relocate the harbor several times, remain poorly understood.
In order to address these questions, a geoarchaeological approach has been developed in the framework of Translands research program (GIAP/ICAC in collaboration with GEOLAB, EVS, Xanthi Ephorate of Antiquities and the Kapodistrian University at Athens). Its main objectives are the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the coastal landscapes around the colony and their evolution, and obtaining sedimentary sequences suitable for high-resolution palaeoenvironmental analysis.
Two drilling campaigns in 2020 have allowed collecting abundant stratigraphic and sedimentological data from the Holocene marshlands around the city, which are currently under analysis. First results, supported by several radiocarbon dates, suggest that the Neolithic “dry” landscapes of the area underwent a marine transgression c. 5000 cal BC, after what resulting lagoon landscapes remained stable during several millennia. At the time of the foundation of the city an embayment existed in the west side of the promontory, which was not a peninsula as its east and northern sides were occupied by lagoons. In the following centuries this embayment, occupied by harbor facilities, silted up quickly perhaps due to human influence, although natural causes cannot be discarded at this stage of research. By Hellenistic and Roman times the western coastline had advanced significantly and most of the lagoons were almost silted.
Ongoing geoarchaeological analysis and forthcoming multiproxy palaeoenvironmental studies in selected sedimentary cores will certainly refine this palaeogeographical picture and provide a comprehensive perspective of long-term socio-environmental interaction and landscape evolution around the Greek colony of Abdera.
Research Presentation Webinars: Meet my Research!
El Cicle de Presentacions tde Recerca a l’ICAC té per objectiu fomentar el treball interdisciplinari entre els equips de recerca de l’ICAC i, alhora, donar a conèixer els nous projectes que hem engegat darrerament, a partir de l’èxit aconseguit el 2020 en la captació de finançament competitiu i la conseqüent incorporació de nous investigadors i investigadores al centre.
El Cicle de Presentacions de Recerca a l’ICAC té per ara una previsió de deu xerrades, de febrer a juny de 2021.
En línia!
Les sessions seran virtuals i tindran lloc cada dos dimarts, a les 12 h. els enllaços de cada sessió s’aniran publicant a l’agenda de l’ICAC.
A la carta!
Els vídeos de les presentacions es podran consultar al canal YouTube de l’ICAC.