La reutilización de elementos ornamentales y epigráficos de ámbitos públicos altoimperiales en la necrópolis paleocristiana de Tarragona
Evolution of the town-countryside relationship during Roman times: the case of Parma (Italy) as inferred by the excavations at via del Conservatorio
The Upper Adriatic littoral landscape between Atria and Altinum during Roman times: natural environment, road network and land use
¿Cuál es el papel de los Conservadores-Restauradores en el ámbito arqueológico? Diálogo, reivindicación y autocrítica.
Acerca de los conceptos teloneum, catabolus y cataplus en las fuentes francas y visigodas: el caso del puerto de Tarracona
L’économie vivrière d’Althiburos de l’époque numide à la lumière des découvertes archéologiques récentes
Portus Ilicitanus: Extensive geophysic survey of its urban context, some methodological implications and results
Production centres and trade relations in the Early Empire. Analysis of the amphorae production from the Tarraconensis central coast: The ARCEA Project
The trade of Adriatic wine in the southern Iberian Peninsula and its connection with the economic and social transformations in the context of the Roman Civil Wars