Dels objectes de prestigi a la revolució productiva: ferro i siderúrgia a Catalunya durant el primer mil·lenni aC
Geoarchaeology of a high-mountain pastoral landscape: the potential role of soil and sediment analyses in the integration of multidisciplinary research. The Coma de Vaca valley study case, Eastern Pyrenees
La digitalització del Butlletí de la Reial Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense i la seva incorporació a RACO
Archaeologists and conservator/restorers: a teamwork needed for the study and conservation of archaeological heritage. The example of an Iberian funerary urn
The origin and development of a Mediterranean landscape: the integration of field survey techniques with the long-term archaeomorphological analysis of Valencia Mediterranean alluvial plain
Evaluating natural hazards and tourist impact on mountain archaeological heritage in Núria and Coma de Vaca valleys (Eastern Pyrenees)
Coastal and island heritage at risk along the European Atlantic façade: answers from the ALeRT project (Archaeology, Coasts and Climate Changes) (France)