Dimecres 16 d’octubre tenen lloc dues noves sessions del Congrés. Al matí, la sessió «Eastern Mediterranean» comptarà amb 16 presentacions en què han intervingut 27 experts en ceràmica tardoantiga. Per la tarda, la sessió «The Mediterranean islands in the stream» presentarà 9 treballs de la mà de 17 especialistes.
La segona jornada del congrés conclourà amb una visita al Centre Arqueològic de l’Almoina i a la Cripta Arqueològica de la presó de Sant Vicent Màrtir (19:15 h).
Programa de la jornada:
- Session 2. Eastern Mediterranean
Chair: Piotr Dyczek
9–9.30 Invited speaker. Paul Reynolds, Ongoing research in Roman–Byzantine Greece and Albania
9.30–9.45 14. Carlo De Mitri, Sara Loprieno, Merci e scambi nel Canale d’Otranto in età tardo imperiale: i dati di Orikos (Albania)
9.45–10 15. Saimir Shpuza, Sara Loprieno, La ceramica altomedievale di Orikos (Albania): primi dati dalle campagne di scavo 2016–2018
10–10.15 16. Suela Xhyheri, Skender Mucaj, Coarse ware from the settlement called «Troje», Diber (Albania) and its similarities to the surrounding area
10.15–10.30 17. Andrei Opait, Bianca-Elena Grigoras, A Levantine trade diaspora at Pompeiopolis?
10.30–10.45 18. Etleva Nallbani, Elvana Metalla, Production et échanges de céramiques tardoantiques et haut Moyen Âge en Albanie du nord: éléments comparatifs et nouvelles données des sites de Komani et Lezha
10.45–11.15 Coffee Break
Eastern Mediterranean. Continuation Session
Chair: Agnès Vokaer
11.15–11.30 19. Alina Streinu, Tracking changes in trade and consumption: city and inland in Moesia inferior/Scythia Minor
11.30–11.45 20. Sevingül Bilgin, Zeynep Koçel Erdem, Late Roman coarse and cooking wares from southeastern Thrace (Turkey)
11.45–12 21. Ayşe Ç. Türker, Late Roman coarse ware from Kumburun Port in Hellespont (Turkey)
12–12.15 22. Sabine Ladstätter, Horacio González, Eating and drinking to the bitter end. The ceramic inventory of a taberna of the early 7th century in Ephesos
12.15–12.30 23. Safiye Aydin, Olba (Turkey): Commercial Links of a Rural Settlement in the Light of Late Roman Amphorae
12.30–12.45 24. Banu Özdilek, An approach to ceramic production & trade in the Lycia region under the light of late roman cooking wares from the terrace walls excavations in Letoon
12.45–13 25. Gulriz Kozbe, Akarcan Gungor, Tracing late roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean: the case of a rural site, Dede Harabeleri (Turkey)
13–13.15 26. Julie Marchand, Des mortiers de la région de Kôm Abou Billou (Égypte)
13.15–13.30 27. Yahya E. M. Mahmoud, Sylvie Marchand, Mostafa M. Q. Zayed, Late Roman pottery from Kiman Faris–Arsinoe (Crocodilopolis, Egypt)
13.30–13.45 28.Cristina Mondin, Mohamed Kenawi, Amphorae and coarse ware from the storage building of Kom al–Ahmer near Alexandria, Egypt
13.45–14.15 Discussion Session
14.15–15.45 Lunch and free posters consultation (Faculty of Theology)
- Session 3. The Mediterranean islands in the stream
Chair: Mateu Riera
15.45-16.15 Invited paper. M. Serena Rizzo, Valentina Caminneci, M. Concetta Parello, The role of Sicily in Mediterranean trade in Late Antiquity
16.15–16.30 29. Carla Aleo, Filippo Iannì, Monica Chiovaro, Stefano Vassallo, Angelo Castrorao Barba, Filippo Pisciotta, Palermo (Sicilia). Contesti altomedievali dagli scavi urbani, dati archeologici e associazioni ceramiche
16.30–16.45 30. Marta Venuti, Cultura materiale a Taormina tra V e IX secolo
16.45-17 31. Paola Puppo, Pilgrim flasks in Byzantine Sicily (6th–8th AD): status quaestionis and research perspectives
17.–17.30 Coffee Break
The Mediterranean islands in the stream. Continuation session
Chair: Valentina Caminneci Continuation
17.30–17.45 32. Andrew Donnelly, The cooking and domestic assemblage of the Marzamemi II “church wreck”: ceramics, chronology, and labor in the late antique Mediterranean
17.45–18 33. Mariacristina Papale, Importazioni e produzioni locali nel centro di Patti (ME) tra IV e VI sec. d.C.: le anfore
18- 18.15 34. Cristina Nervi, From 1 to 8. Late Roman Oriental amphorae from the port of Olbia (North–eastern Sardinia)
18.15-18.30 35. Sophia Didioumi, Typology and chronology of LRA 3 amphorae from Kos island (Greece)
18.30-18.45 36. R. Scott Moore, William Caraher, A Reevaluation of late Roman kitchen wares in northwest Cyprus
18.45-19.15 Discussion Session