Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència (11F) i Dia Internacional de la Dona (8M) #11F-8M 2025
Tarragona, del 2 de febrer al 8 de marca de 2025
Enregistrament d’un reel sobre la descoberta d’una tomba magiar d’una dona enterrada amb armes, per publicar a les xarxes socials dins d’una sèrie de vídeos impulsada pel Comitè d’Igualtat i Diversitat de l’ICAC entre l’11F i el 8M.
Imatges: Quadre El Pacte de Sang de Székely Bertalan (foto: Nevezd meg! 4.0 Nemzetközi CC-BY), reconstrucció de magiars a cavall (László, 1982) i imatges extretes de l’article publicat a PLOS ONE.
Article: TIHANYI, Balázs, MAÁR, Kitti, KIS, Luca, et al. ‘But no living man am I’: Bioarchaeological evaluation of the first-known female burial with weapon from the 10th-century-CE Carpathian Basin. Plos one, 2024, vol. 19, no 11, p. e0313963 (enllaç)
A 10th-Century Warrior Woman? A Remarkable Archaeological Discovery in Hungary
As part of a short series of videos initiated by the ICAC Equality Committee on archaeological objects that shed light on women of the past and have left a lasting impression on us, I have chosen one of last year’s most significant archaeological discoveries: the tomb of a woman buried with weapons from the 10th century, uncovered in Hungary and published last November in open access in the renowned journal PLOS ONE.
In the 10th century, Hungary was a principality ruled by the Magyars, a nomadic people from the Eurasian steppes known for their skilled mounted archers. During this period, the Carpathian Basin became their settled territory. The burial in question was uncovered in a cemetery of Sárrétudvari–Hízóföld, which contains more than 200 tombs from this period.
Magyar funerary practices at the time were highly structured along gender lines: men were typically buried with weapons and equestrian equipment, while women were interred with jewellery and domestic objects, reflecting the rigid social roles within this warrior society. However, this newly discovered tomb challenges that norm. Alongside traditionally feminine artefacts, such as a ring and glass beads, archaeologists identified items associated with warfare, including arrow fragments and a bow plate.
A detailed bioarchaeological analysis confirmed that the individual was female. Despite poor bone preservation, the morphological features of the skull—such as a small mastoid process and the absence of an occipital crest—strongly indicated a female sex. This assessment was further validated through DNA analysis extracted from the petrous part of the temporal bone.
Additional skeletal evidence suggests that this woman did not lead a conventional domestic life. Old injuries on her arms and shoulders may have resulted from repeated falls or physical impacts. Furthermore, her bones exhibit signs of adaptations associated with repetitive movements and asymmetrical arm strength—traits consistent with extensive use of the bow and regular horseback riding. Specific alterations in the radial crests and ulnar tuberosities are characteristic markers of experienced archers.
While it is impossible to confirm with absolute certainty whether she engaged in combat, the physical evidence strongly suggests that she lived a physically demanding life and held a role that diverged from traditional female expectations in Magyar society.
This tomb provides a rare and compelling glimpse into the complexity of gender roles in the past. It stands as a testament to the existence of women who, even in highly structured warrior cultures, defied conventional norms and played extraordinary roles in their communities.