Open call, since October 24, 2020, for a temporary research contract (code 017.78) to work as a computacional archaeologist in the research project «Prospección arqueológica inteligente sobre plataforma dron (DIASur)» (code 21.230), at the Research Group in Landscape Archaeology (GIAP).
Application deadline: October 28, 2020 (24 h).
Full information and details in the website Working at the ICAC.
Research project «Prospección arqueológica inteligente sobre plataforma dron (DIASur)» won funding from the 2019 competitive call in Digital Humanities Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica en Humanidades Digitales 2019.
IP: Hèctor A. Orengo, GIAP research group (landscape archaeology) at the ICAC.
Team members: Arnau Garcia-Molsosa (ICAC); Francesc C. Conesa (ICAC); Merkourios Georgiadis (ICAC); Toby Christopher Wilkinson (ICAC); Paloma Aliende (ICAC); Iban Berganzo (ICAC).
Funding: 74.189.69 €
Related news:
“GIAP successful in getting a competitive grant from FBBVA on Digital Humanities”, ICAC March 26, 2020.