On May 11, 2023, the ICAC hosts the seminar Craft Activities in the Iberian World: plural realities, which will be held in a hybrid format.
Researchers Maria Carme Belarte (ICREA-ICAC) and Marta Blasco (UV) are the scientific coordinators of this scientific meeting, which will share the latest developments in the study of craft activities in the Iberian period.
This is a joint initiative of the research team in Protohistory of the Western Mediterranean (MIRMED) and the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology, and Ancient History of the University of Valencia (UV).
Craft activities allow define cultural universes; thanks to them we can know what objects are used, with what tools, what needs they allow to cover, who makes them or who controls them. Throughout this seminar we will focus on different craft activities and their study methodologies, in order to approach these plural realities that allow us to better know, through their points in common and their particularities, the production activities in Iberian times, from the best known to the least, and all the social, economic and cultural aspects developed around them.

The seminar has two sessions (morning and afternoon) with a total of nine presentations and three spots for questions and discussion. The morning session will begin at 9.15 a.m. with an opening presentation by Maria Carme Belarte (ICREA-ICAC) and Marta Blasco (UV), coordinators of the seminar, and will continue with six presentations, until 1.40 p.m. The afternoon session will run from 3:30 p.m. to 5:35 p.m., with three presentations.
Check and download here the seminar programme
There are involved researchers from the ICAC, the University of Valencia, the University of Salamanca, the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia, the University of Castilla-La-Mancha, the University of Lleida, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Center for Lacetan Studies and Món Iber Rocs SL.
All the sessions of the seminar can be followed live by Teams (no prior registration or Microsoft Teams account required), at this link: https://bit.ly/SeminariArtesanies
Researcher Marta Blasco (University of Valencia) was a Juan de la Cierva researcher at the ICAC in 2022 (in the Protohistory of the Western Mediterranean team), with the project “Forgotten crafts. Objects made of hard animal materials in the Iron Age”.
Her research focused on the study of pieces made from hard animal materials, mainly in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, in the first millennium BC. These months Blasco is in the ICAC as visiting researcher, under the coordination of Maria Carme Belarte (ICREA-ICAC).