Actividades científicas
- Comunicación Palet, J. M.; Flórez, M.; Carbonell, A.; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Mayoral, A.
The Cultur-Monts European project (Interreg Sudoe): enhancing Mountain Cultural Landscapes as a resource for social innovation, sustainable tourism and territorial development
The International Spanish-Eqyptian Congress for Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage (ISECT) - Ponencia Martínez, J.
Studying Ancient Nile Landscapes from the Clouds. Remote Sensing Analysis and Cloud Computing Techniques as a Base for Palaeo-Channel Studies in the Theban Area
Current Research in Egyptology (CRE 2023) - Ponencia Martínez, J.
Floods, farmland and settlements: the study of the ancient and modern Theban landscape through historical mapping, archaeomorphology, and remote sensing
XIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists (ICE 2023) - Comunicación Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L; Pescini, V.; Mayoral, A.; Egüez, N.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Martínez, J.; Palet, JM.
Tracing Neolithic and Medieval livestock farming in eastern Pyrenees: the combined archaeological and palaeoenvironmental study of Molleres II (Puigpedrós massif)
(Re)integration: 28 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. - Comunicación Carbonell, A.; Palet, J. M.; Colominas, L.; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Aliende, P.
Archaeological survey in a high-mountain environment: livestock settlements land-use and landscape dynamics in Puigpedrós massif and Duran valley (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
Widening Horizons: 27 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
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- Comunicación Martínez Fernández, J.
Roads and landscape colonization in the periphery: an approach to the evolution of the historical landscape in agrarian areas of the Iberian Peninsula
5th International Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC 2018) - Comunicación Martínez Fernández, J.
Dinámicas del poblamiento rural y del territorio en zonas del noroeste de la cuenca del Duero entre época romana y la Alta Edad Media a través de la arqueología del paisaje
VI Jornadas de Arqueología del Valle del Duero (Oporto - 2016)