AMPAH 2022
The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH) provides students with the opportunity to share their research and network with their peers.
The upcoming edition will be held in Barcelona and will be hosted by the School of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona (UB).
El congrés serà en format híbrid (presencial – online) i es podrà seguir per Zoom de manera oberta. El link per poder-lo seguir el compartirà la organització uns dies abans de l’inici del congrés.
Consulta aquí el programa complet.
La investigadora Andrea Collado (Unitat d’Estudis Arqueomètrics, ArPA) hi participa amb una comunicació:
12.20 h. “Marmora and commerce: the case of the mortars in public spaces of Baetulo”, Andrea Collado.
Session 5 – Trade and movement of goods. Chaired by Joan Campmany Jiménez
Access link to the session will be provided in the upcoming days by the organization
The large commercial network with important distribution ports – such as Portus or Ostia – made possible the arrival in Baetulo of all kinds of materials, among them marmora coming from around the Mediterranean. In the roman city of Baetulo nine fragments of mortar and six pestles have been documented coming from the public spaces of the city – most of them probably come from the space of tabernae –, all of them elaborated with imported marbles. These containers were used in different areas of activity, regardless of its morphology: ritual, alimentary us or table service, among others.
The study of this mortars and pestles can provide information not only about the site of the discovery and the activities that took place there, but it also contributes in the knowledge of the socioeconomic panorama of the Roman city – and in a wider scene, also of Laietània’s area – and in the commercial dynamics in this period.