Toulouse (França)
La investigadora postdoctoral María Pastor Quiles, de l’equip d’Arqueologia Protohistòrica, participa al CPF 2021 : 29e Congrès Préhistorique de France, amb la comunicació «Mats as a building material: evidence from the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Prehistory».
Through the macroscopic study of daub fragments, diverse archaeological evidence has been recovered of the use of vegetal woven mats integrated in built structures as just another construction material. Documented in various prehistoric sites from the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, the main findings come from the Chalcolithic site of Les Moreres (Crevillente, Alicante, Spain), from the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. These results highlight the enormous informative potential of hardened mud architectural remains, as well as the necessity of considering more elements as prospective building materials from prehistoric times.
Paraules clau: matting, basketry, architecture, imprint, raw earth, daub fragments, Metal Age, Chalcolithic, Western Mediterranean.
La comunicació format part de la Sessió E: Dépasser les plans et révéler l’architecture invisible : de l’identification à la restitution des constructions du Néolithique à l’âge du Fer, que tindrà lloc el dimarts 1 de juny, d’13.30 h a 18.20 h.
Activitat en línia (Zoom) amb registre previ.