Actividades científicas
- Comunicación Baniou, Th
A reconstruction of foodways through a multidisciplinary perspective in the western provinces of the Roman Empire
Archaeobotany Discussion Group - Conferencia Baniou, Th., Livarda, A., Vandorpe, P., Romaní, N., Rodrigo Requena, E.
Discovering what the Roman inhabitants of Guissona (Iesso) had for dinner - Conferencia Baniou, Th., Livarda, A., Vandorpe, P. and Romani, N.
Digging in the wells: food and trade relations in Roman Guissona - Conferencia Baniou, Th., Suryanarayan, A., Livarda, A., Villanueva, J., Moraleda, N., Romaní, N. and Rodrigo, E.
Investigating dietary habits of the eastern Iberian Peninsula in the Roman period: Puig Castellar and Guissona during the 2nd c. BCE to the 3rd c. ACE - Conferencia Baniou, Th., Suryanarayan, A., Livarda, A., Villanueva, J., Moraleda, N., Romaní, N. and Rodrigo, E.
Cooking and eating in the Roman west: new insights into the foodways of the inhabitants of Iesso and Puig Castellar of Biosca
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- Conferencia Baniou, Th., Suryanarayan, A., Livarda, A., Villanueva, J., Moraleda, N., Romaní, N. and Rodrigo, E.
An interdisciplinary approach to food economy in the western Roman Empire: archaeobotanical remains and ceramic residue analysis of Iesso - Conferencia Gallego-Valle, A., Baniou, Th., Kriti, A.,Livarda, A. and Pescini, V
Pràctiques agroramaderes a Aiguafreda de Dalt (Aiguafreda, Vallès Oriental) durant l’Antiguitat Tardana (segle VII n.e.) - Conferencia Baniou, Th., Suryanarayan, A., Livarda, A., Villanueva, J., Moraleda, N., Romaní, N. and Rodrigo, E.
Reconstructing Roman diet through organic residue analysis: the case of Guissona and Puig Castellar - Conferencia Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.; Aliende, P;, Baniou, T.; Diffey, C.; Kriti, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.; Riso, F.; Vandorpe, P.
Archaeobotany and computational archaeology synergies: from prehistoric Aegean to Roman Europe - Otras científica Baniou, T.
Exploring Roman tastes - Póster Food and plant trade in the Roman period: An examination of the archaeobotanical remains from Guissona, Spain