After receiving and assessing numerous proposals for the Dolia ex Hispania International Conference, the organizing committee features the provisional programme of the event.
The time has come to dedicate a prime synthesis to the Hispanic dolia, within the framework of each of their provinces, aimed at compiling documentation that until now had been dispersed or unpublished, as well as compiling results of recent archaeological research.
Thus, the research team on Food, Economy, and Trade in the Ancient World (Aecma) organizes, for next September 2022, the Dolia ex Hispania International Conference, aiming at offering the world of research a balance to promote studies later, creating a space for discussion and collaboration between specialists.
This scientific meeting on dolia in Roman Hispania will be held at the ICAC (Tarragona) on September 7, 8, and 9, 2022.
The high volume of proposals submitted and the positive assessment made by the Scientific Committee of the conference has exceeded the initial expectations of the Organizing Committee, which has decided to extend the conference to a three-day event (instead of the two-day originally planned).
Facing the new demands of an expanding Roman Empire, from I AC century there was a gradual transfer of production between Italy and its provinces. In this context, the Iberian Peninsula and the South Gaul occupied a primordial place in supplying the Imperial center, until well into the III AC century.
Beyond the fertility of their lands and a favorable climate for Mediterranean crops, these provinces, endowed with extensive coastlines and navigable waterways, offered new commercial opportunities to meet the needs of the rest of the empire, thus establishing large-scale production. scale among which wine and oil were the most emblematic products.
Have a look at the entire description in the first call of the conference.
Dolia ex Hispania International Conference will hold 40 communications with the participation of one hundred researchers from 43 universities, research centers, and organizations from Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Morocco.
The event will also feature an opening conference (by Charlotte Carrato, Mosaïques Archéologie) and a closing conference (by Yolanda Peña, UNED), as well as different spots for discussion. The conference will be opened by the ICAC director, Josep Maria Palet, and Ramon Járrega (Aecma), member of the organizing committee.
Conference sessions are organized into four areas: Provincia Tarraconensis, Provincia Lusitania, Provincia Baetica, and Varia. You can check the provisional program and other practical information in this second call.
A scientific publication will be edited with a selection of the papers and communications submitted (after a peer-review process).
Provisional Program
Wednesday, September 7th
- 9:00 h. Official opening. Josep Maria Palet y Ramon Járrega (ICAC)
- 9:30 h. Opening lecture. Charlotte Carrato (Mosaïques Archéologie)
Section 1: Tarraconensis Province
- 10:00 h. Lecture. «Dolia ex Tarraconensi». Joaquim Tremoleda (MAC Empúries) and Maria Rueda (ICAC)
- 10:30 h. «Algunos aspectos socioeconómicos acerca del uso del dolium». Mateo González Vázquez (University of Treveris)
- 10:50 h. «La cella vinaria de la vil·la romana dels Pompeu Saturió, Besalú. Aspectes tècnics». Joan Frigola (independent researcher); Pere Castanyer and Joaquim Tremoleda (MAC Empúries)
11:10 h. Coffee-break
- 11:40 h. «Història d’un dolium a la insula 30 de la ciutat romana d’Empúries». Marta Santos, Joaquim Tremoleda and Pere Castanyer (MAC Empúries)
- 12:00 h. «Les reformes Baix imperials de la vil·la romana del Pla de l’Horta: del luxe a la practicalitat». Ana Costa, Lluís Palahí and David Vivó (University of Girona)
- 12:20 h. «Un espai de treball amb dolia a la vil·la republicana del Collet (Calonge-St. Antoni)». Marc Bouzas, Josep Burch, Marc Prat, Josep Maria Nolla, Lluís Palahí and David Vivó (University of Girona)
- 12:40 h. «Dolia y espais de magatzem a la comarca del Maresme». Marta Prevosti (IEC/ICAC), Ramon Coll (Museo Romano) and Joan Francesc Clariana (Centro de Estudios de Arqueología e Historia de Mataró)
13:00 h. Discussion
13:30 a 15:30 h. Lunch
- 15:30 h. «Els dolia de la vil·la del Treball Digne». Daniel Alcubierre (Museum of History of Barcelona); Jordi Ardiaca and Pere Lluís Artigues (Codex Arqueologia i Patrimoni); Antoni Rigo (University of Barcelona)
- 15:50 h. «Els dolia de la vil·la de Can Cabassa (Sant Cugat del Vallés). Ús i reutilització». Pere Lluís Artigues (Codex Arqueologia i Patrimoni) and Antoni Rigo (University of Barcelona)
- 16:10 h. «Les cellae vinariae de les vil·les romanes de la Burguera (Salou) i dels Castellets (La Canonja)». Josep Francesc Roig (ICAC) and Rubén Ramírez (Virtual 3DR)
- 16:30 h. «Experimentando con el dolium romano: desde los contenedores arqueológicos originales a la formalización de réplicas reales». Antoni Martín (UB-CEIPAC/Generalitat de Catalunya), Bruno Parés and Josep Matés (artist and potter)
- 16:50 h. «Dolia en coves de l’àmbit ibèric peninsular. Unes reflexions». Ramon Coll (Museu Romà) and Magí Miret (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- 17:10 h. «Los llamados dolia tardoantiguos: una aproximación desde Tarraco(na) (s. V – VIII d. C.)». Francesc Rodríguez (UB/ICAC) and Josep Maria Macias (ICAC)
- 17:30 h. «Aportaciones sobre dolia en el valle medio del Ebro». Carmen Aguarod (SECAH)
17:50 h. Discussion
Thursday, September 8th
- 9:00 h. «Dolia y otros grandes recipientes producidos en la alfarería edetana de Rascanya (Llíria)». Esperança Huguet (University of Valencia) and Francisco J. Perua Barceló
- 9:20 h. «Aproximación a los dolia de Ercávica (Cañaveruelas, Cuenca). Un primer estado de la cuestión». María Ángeles Pascual Sánchez (University of Castilla la Mancha)
- 9:40 h. «Tinajas para la elaboración de vino del torcularium de Baños de El Peral (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real)». Tomás Torres, Miguel Ángel Hervás, Diego Lucendo, Luis Alejandro García and Manuel Melero (Barka Arqueólogos SL); Julián Vélez (Ayuntamiento de Valdepeñas); Domingo Fernández and Yolanda Peña (UNED)
- 10:00 h. «Dolia tardorromanos en Toletum. Algunos ejemplares de Cuesta de los Portugueses». Rafael Caballero and Elena I. Sánchez (Novas Arqueología)
- 10:20 h. «Recipientes de almacenaje procedentes del territorium de Carthago Nova. La comarca del Campo de Cartagena». Antonio Javier Murcia (Roman Museum Theatre of Cartagena)
- 10:40 h. «La cella olearia del yacimiento de la Fuente de la Teja y su instrumentum fundi (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia): Dolia y vasa olearia». Antonio Javier Murcia (Roman Museum Theatre of Cartagena) and Francisco Brotons (Archaeological Museum La Soledad)
11:00 h. Coffee-break
- 11:30 h. «Los dolia procedentes del castellum Archivel y la turris de Barranda (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia)». Francisco Brotons (Archaeological Museum La Soledad) and Antonio Javier Murcia (Roman Museum Theatre of Cartagena)
11:50 h. Discussion
Section 2: Lusitania Province
- 12:10 h. Lecture. «Dolia ex Lusitania». José Carlos Quaresma (University of Lisboa), Pedro Pereira (University of Porto) and Sonia Bombico (University of Évora)
- 12:30 h. «Recipientes de almacenaje vinícola de época altoimperial en el Alto Douro portugués: El caso del Alto da Fonte do Milho (peso da Régua, Portugal). Tipologías, contextos de utilización y marco regional». Javier Larrazabal (University of Minho)
- 13:00 h. «Dolia ex Durius flumen – os dolia nas margens do Douro». Pedro Pereira and Tony Silvino (University of Porto)
13:30 a 15:30 h. Lunch-break
- 15:30 h. «A Encosta do Patarinho (Santa Comba Dão, Viseu): O estudo dos dolia como ferramenta para compreender a funcionalidade do sítio». Pedro Matos, Helena Catarino and Ricardo Jorge Costeira (University of Coimbra)
- 15:50 h. «Os dolia de villa Cardilio (Torres Novas, Portugal): uma primeira abordagem à sua integração na economía da villa». Víctor Filipe, Catarina Viegas and Carlos Fabião (University of Lisbon); Romão Ramos (Nova University Lisbon)
- 16:10 h. «Dolia da villa romana da Horta da Torre e do sitio arqueológico de São Pedro (Cabeço de Vide, Fronteira, Alentejo)». André Carneiro, César Oliveira and Sonia Bombico (University of Évora); Pedro Pereira (University of Porto) and José Quaresma (Nova University Lisbon)
- 16:30 h. «Os dolia da villa romana da Tourega (Évora): datos preliminares do seu estudo tipológico e petrográfico». Inês Vaz (University of Coimbra) and Catarina Viegas (University of Lisbon)
- 16:50 h. «La capacidad de almacenamiento de una villa exitosa en Lusitania: el modelo catónico en Milreu (Estói, Algarve)». Felix Teichner (University of Marburgo) and José Carlos Quaresma (Nova University Lisbon)
- 17:10 h. «Importação e produção regional de dolia na faixa costeira da Lusitânia meridional: o caso de Loulé Valho». Catarina Viegas and Rui Roberto de Almeida (University of Lisbon)
17:30 h. Discussion
Friday, September 9th
Section 3: Baetica Province
- 9:00 h. Lecture. «Dolia ex Baetica». Dario Bernal (University of Cádiz); Enrique García and Iván González (University of Sevilla); Oriane Bourgeon (ICAC)
- 9:40 h. «Los dolia en el interior del sureste peninsular: análisis y distribución». David Martínez (University of Valencia) and Rubén Fernández (ArqueoSur)
- 10:00 h. «Dolia en los territorios mineros de la vertiente norte de Sierra Morena: materiales y contextos». Mar Zarzalejos (UNED) and Maria Rosa Pina (ICAC)
- 10:20 h. «Análisis productivo, tipológico y arqueométrico de la producción de dolia del alfar de Cartuja (Granada)». Macarena Bustamante-Álvarez and Elena H. Sánchez (University of Granada)
10:40 h. Coffee-break
Section 4: Varia
- 11:00 h. Lecture. «Les dolia et le vin oxydé». Stephane Mauné (CNRS UMR5140)
- 11:20 h. «Ogei (20): Una possible marca lèxica de capacitat ibèrica expressada en àmfores, sobre un dolium de Ruscino (Perpinyà)». Joan Ferrer (Grup LITTERA / University of Barcelona)
- 11:40 h. «Tipología y usos de los dolia en las fronteras del Imperio: el ejemplo del yacimiento de Rirha (Marruecos)». Nadia El-Bahri (INSAP), Charlotte Carrato (Mosaïques Archéologie), Mohamed Kbiri Alaoui (INSAP), Hicham Hassini (Conservation de Lixus), Elsa Rocca (University of Montpellier)
- 12:00 h. «I dolia della villa di Santa Maria di Villasimius: un nuovo contesto produttivo dalla Sardegna romana». Alessia Anedda and Marco Giuman (University of Cagliari); Dario D’Orlando (independent researcher)
- 12:20 h. «I dolia della villa tardoantica di Aiano – Torraccia di Chiusi (San Gimignano, Siena)». Marco Cavalieri, Anthony Peeters and Sarah Vyverman (Catholic University of Louvain); Sara Lenzi and Gloriana Pace (external collaborators of the Catholic University of Louvain); Luca Polidoro (Catholic University Sacro Cuore)
- 12:40 h. «Domestic storage in a Late Roman insula from Histria (Constanţa, Romania)». Bianca Elena Grigoras and Georgiana Dinu (National Heritage Institute, Bucharest); Valentin Bottez (Catholic University of Bucarest)
13:00 h. Discussion
- 13:20 h. Closing lecture. Yolanda Peña (UNED)
13:40 h. Lunch with wine desgustation from MYDOLIA winery.
Check out here the second call for the International Conference Dolia ex Hispania.
Related News:
«‘Dolia ex Hispania’. Call for papers!», ICAC, October 29, 2021.