Brief CV
Graduated in History, Archaeology and Christian Arts from the Antoni Gaudí Faculty of Barcelona – Saint Pacia’s University Athenaeum (FHEAG-AUSP). During this formative stage, he began to specialize in Christian Archaeology and History of the ancient and High Middle-Ages Church by participating in some courses, research projects and archaeological excavations. Include the following: Valencia la Vella (Riba-Roja de Túria, Valencia), the church of Pianisi Castle (Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Molise) and the excavations in the paleochristian basilica of Capo Don (Riva Ligure, Liguria), among others. He coursed Master’s degree in History, Archaeology and Christian Arts (FHEAG-AUSP). Completed these studies with the Master’s Thesis “L’església de Sant Miquel del Pla de Tarragona. Història, arqueologia i culte” led by Dr. Antoni Virgili. He has combined his studies working as a contracted and autonomous archaeologist and technical support in different archaeological interventions. Currently, he is a pre-doctoral researcher at the Catalan Classical Archaeology Institute (ICAC) where he is doing his doctoral thesis entitled: “Articulación y proyección del espacio litúrgico hispano: el culto cristiano y sus escenarios físicos en la Antigüedad Tardía”, led by Dr. Josep Maria Macias (ICAC) and Dr. Cristina Godoy (FHEAG-AUSP). This work is carried out under an FPU contract awarded by the Ministry of Universities (Call 2021). He collaborates with the team of Christian Archaeology and Late Antiquity (MIRMED-GIAC -ICAC/URV/UAB – 2017SGR970).