Scientific Activities
- Communication Grau, S.; Homar, R.
Chastity and torment: echoes of a literary pattern between Greek novel, Biography of philosophers and Christian martyrdoms
Not So-Happy Endings: Atonements, Punishments, and Martyrdoms in Imperial and Late Antiquity Times - Communication Grau, S.; Homar, R.
La castidad femenina impuesta por decreto divino: versiones de un motivo literario
First International conference on Early Christian Literature, Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography ‘Literary connections between the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles and Saints’ Lives’ - Communication Grau, S.; Homar, R.
La llengua dels falsos intel·lectuals: Aquil·les Taci VIII 9 i el Pseudologista 25-26 de Llucià de Samòsata
Jornades Internacionals sobre el Món Clàssic en honor de Carles Miralles