Scientific Activities
- Communication Riera, S.; Miró, C.; Palet, J. M.; Bianco, S.; Livarda, A.; Pena, A.; Ramos, J.; Triay., V
Viticultura tardo-ibèrica i romana a Bàrcino i al seu territori. Noves dades des de l’arqueologia, l’arqueologia del paisatge i la bioarqueologia
III Col·loqui Internacional d’Arqueologia Romana. El vi a l’antiguitat: Economia, producció i comerç al mediterrani - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Combining computational analysis with archaeobotany: applications and implications for Roman archaeology
Forschungscluster 8: Ökonomische netzwerke – Lokale, regionale und globale wirtschaftsdynamiken - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Riera Mora, S.; Picornel-Gelabert, Ll.; Tzevelekidi, V.
Mediterranean polyculture revisited: a re-examination of prehistoric cereals, grape and olive at the area of Palaikastro in the east of Crete
Society and Environment in Bronze Age Crete. Recent Geoarchaeological Researches - Communication Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
A New Method for the Identification of Agricultural Practices in the Past: Combining Archaeobotany, micro 3D GMM and Artificial Intelligence
VI Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Decoding the molecular structure of food culture
SAA 86th Annual Meeting
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- Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Agriculture and diet in the Iron Age Aegean: new approaches
Archaeobotany in Greece - Others scientific Livarda, A.; Papadopoulos, J.
Invited discussant at the thematic session ‘Settlement patterns, economy and social organization at the northern periphery of the Mycenaean world’
Stellar Ventures. From the shores of Crete to the plains of Macedonia - Paper Livarda, A.
Diet and resource management at the east of Crete with reference to the Minoan town of Palaikastro: novel insights into old debates
Human diet, health & the life course, seminar series - Paper Livarda, A.
Plants and food culture in Roman Britain
Roman Discussion Forum - Communication Bogaard, A.; Charles, M.; Ergun, M.; Fairbairn, A.; Filipović, D.; Fuller, D.; Gonzalez Carretero, L.; Green, L.; Hastorf, Ch.; Jones, G.; Kabukcu, C.; Livarda, A.; Stroud, E.; Vaiglova, P.
25 years of archaeobotany at Çatalhöyük: what we have learned
Seed Science and Archaeobotanical Research in Anatolia Symposium - Others scientific Wright, L.; Grau-Sologestoa, I.; Deschler-Erb, S.; Livarda, A.
Session organiser ‘Transitions in Agriculture: Integrating Archaeological Sciences’
Beyond Paradigms. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2019) - Communication Livarda, A.; Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Orengo, H.A.; Riera-Mora, S.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Tzevelekidi, V.; Tsoraki Ch.; Veropoulidou, R.; Krahtopoulou, N.; Frederick, Ch.; Marlasca Martín, R.; Knappett, C.
Foodways, plant and landscape management in Minoan Crete: Palaikastro in context
18th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany - Paper Livarda, A.
Fruit, vegetable, nut, spices and herbs archaeobotanical remains in NW Europe and in the UK: archaeobotanical databases as interpretative tools
18th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP) - Communication Bogaard, A.; Charles, M.; Ergun, M.; Fairbairn, A.; Filipović, D.; Fuller, D.; Gonzalez Carretero, L.; Green, L.; Hastorf, Ch.; Jones, G.; Kabukcu, C.; Livarda, A.; Stroud, E.; Vaiglova, P.
25 years of archaeobotany at Çatalhöyük: what we have learned
18th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany - Poster Bouchard-Perron, J.-A.; Livarda, A.
Tastes of home and tastes of power: an exploration of food plant consumption in colonial settings
18th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany - Communication Alonso, N.; Colominas, L.; Font, L.; Garcia, Ll.; Livarda, A.; Pecci, A.; Portillo, M.; Valenzuela, S.; Verdún, E.
Mostrejant la cuina: identificació bioarqueològica de les pràctiques culinàries
V Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia - Communication Livarda, A.; Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Orengo, H.A.; Tzevelekidi, V.; Veropoulidou, R.; Riera-Mora, S.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Marlasca, R.
Bronze Age Palaikastro: Minoan Foodscapes in Eastern Crete
V Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia - Paper Livarda, A.
Gestió de recursos a l’est de Creta: noves aproximacions a l’arqueologia minoica - Communication Krahtopoulou, A.; Orengo, H.; Riera Mora, S.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Livarda, A.; Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Halstead, P; Veropoulidou, R.
Bioarchaeological history of a 7.500 years-old tell and its landscape: Plateia Magoula Prodromos, western Thessaly, central Greece
24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Communication Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Riera Mora, S.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Veropoulidou, R.; Tzevelekidi, V.; Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Tsoraki, C.; Marlasca Martín, R.; Knappett, C.
Re-thinking Minoan resource management: Palaikastro, Crete, in context
24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Paper Livarda, A.
Archaeobotany in the Aegean or how fire has conditioned our knowledge of past practices related to plants.
Keynote speech in ScapeCon 6 conference ‘Contextualizing Fire in Aegean Prehistory’ - Paper Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.
Πειραματικές προσεγγίσεις στην αρχαιοβοτανική
Invited talk in Workshop ‘TEFRA: The use of fire on human remains in the prehistoric Aegean' - Communication Baniou, Th.; Suryanarayan, A.; Livarda, A.; Villanueva, J.; Moraleda, N.; Romani N.; Rodrigo, E.
Investigating dietary habits of the eastern Iberian Peninsula in the Roman period: Puig Castellar and Guissona during the 1st century BC to the 3rd century AD
Oral presentation in 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology ‘Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories’ - Communication Vandorpe, P.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Baniou, Th.; Berganzo, I.; Riso, F.
Investigating the emergence and development of urban centres in the Roman Empire through the trade of food plants
Oral presentation in the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology ‘Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories’ - Communication Kriti, A. E.T.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Ninou, E.; Mylonas, I.
Modern Experimental Cultivations and Charring Experiments of Barley; Methods, Preliminary Results, Challenges and Possibilities
. Oral presentation in the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology ‘Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories’ - Communication Riera, S.; Julià, R.; Molina, A.; Banks, P.; Bros, V.; Livarda, A.; Nadal, J.; Camps, I.; Ejarque, A.; Miró, C.
El Born-La Ribera en època medieval (ss. IX-XIII). Una aproximació geomorfològica, arqueobiològic i documental a la història d’un paisatge
Oral presentation at the 18th congress of history of Barcelona-Environmental History of Barcelona - Communication Baniou, Th.; Suryanarayan, A.; Livarda, A.; Villanueva, J.; Moraleda, N.; Romani, N.; Rodrigo, E.
Investigating the dietary habits of the inhabitants of Roman Iesso and Puig Castellar of Biosca through the analysis of organic residues
Oral presentation at the 2nd International Congress on Roman Bioarchaeology - Communication Riso, F.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Archaeobotanical meta-analysis: insights into dietary changes in Roman Italy
Oral presentation at the 2nd International Congress on Roman Bioarchaeology - Communication Ntinou, M.; Picornell-Gelabert, L.; Brogan, T.; Livarda, A.; Sophianou, C.H.; Soles, J.
Woodlands, trees and fuel in Bronze Age eastern Crete
Oral presentation at the 8th International Anthracology Meeting (Anthraco) - Communication Diffey, C.; Orengo, H.; Styring, A.; Livarda, A.
New insights into Iron Age Aegean agriculture through a combined stable isotope analysis and 3D Geometric Modern Morphometrics approach
Oral presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Communication Vandorpe, P.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.; Berganzo, I.
Food plant commerce and the development of new tastes in Germania
Oral presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Communication Riso, F.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.
An exploration of plant food in Roman Italy: connections, commerce and foodways
Oral presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Communication Baniou, Th.; Suryanarayan, A.; Villanueva, J.; Moraleda, N.; Livarda, A.; Romani, N.; Rodrigo, E.
An interdisciplinary approach to food economy in the western Roman Empire: organic lipid analysis and archaeobotanical remains of Iesso
. Oral presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Paper Livarda, A.
Llavors i altres carporrestes: mercats, alimentació i indústria urbana
Invited presentation at Sessions Formatives Arqueoborn-II: Arqueologia i Arqueobiologia urbana a Barcelona - Communication Gallego-Valle, A.; Baniou, T.; Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.; Pescini, V.
Pràctiques agroramaderes a Aiguafreda de Dalt (Aiguafreda, Vallès Oriental) durant l’Antiguitat Tardana (segles VI-VII n.e.)
Oral presentation at the VII Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia, ACBA - Communication Livarda, A.; Kriti, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Aliende, P.; Herranz Rodrigo, D.
New insights into past agricultural regimes: towards the creation of a new tool combining 3D Geometric Modern Morphometrics & machine learning
Oral presentation at the VII Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia, ACBA - Communication Baniou, Th.; Suryanarayan, A.; Livarda, A.; Moraleda, N.; Villanueva, J.; Romani, N.; Rodrigo, E.
Reconstituting the Roman diet through organic residue analysis: the case of Guissona and Puig Castellar
Oral presentation at the VII Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia, ACBA - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Livarda, A.; Kriti, A.; Berganzo, I.; Aliende, P.; Herranz Rodrigo, D.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.
Extracting data from grain shape: applications of 3D Deep Learning
Oral presentation at the Association of Environmental Archaeology Virtual Spring Conference - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Livarda, A.; Kriti, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.
From shape to grow conditions: a workflow combining micro-3D scanning, geometric morphometrics and machine learning for the analysis of past agricultural strategies
Oral presentation at the 50th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) conference - Communication Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Livarda, A.
Trees, fuel and forests at Palaikastro: an anthracological and archaeobotanical approach
Oral presentation at the 2nd Meeting of the Archaeobotany in Greece Group (MAGG) - Communication Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Aliende, P.; Baniou, T.; Diffey, C.; Kriti, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.; Riso, F.; Vandorpe, P.
Archaeobotany and computational archaeology synergies: from prehistoric Aegean to Roman Europe
Oral presentation at the 2nd Meeting of the Archaeobotany in Greece Group (MAGG) - Communication Kriti, A.E.T.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Modern Experimental Cultivations of Barley; Methods, Preliminary Results, Possibilities, and Limitations
Oral presentation at the 2nd Meeting of the Archaeobotany in Greece Group (MAGG) - Poster Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.; Mylonas, I.; Nousis, A.; Nektarios, Th.; Solonas, S.; Ninou, E.; Orengo, H.
Assessment of traditional varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for their resistance in conditions of water deprivation
18th Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society for Plant Genetic Improvement on ‘Plant Breeding: innovations and prospects for Sustainable Development - Poster Miró, C.; Peña Cervantes, Y.; Huertas, J.; Molina, A.; Fernández, T.; Pecci, A.; Livarda, A.; Bianco, S.; Triay, V.; Mileto, S.; Riera, S.
El vi al Born (Barcelona). Producció, distribución, emmagatzematge i consum
3rd International Colloquium of Roman Archaeology: El vi a l’antiguitat. Economia, producció I comerç a la Mediterrània - Communication Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.
New insights into past agriculture: a modern experimental cultivation project that explores past agriculture with the aim of 3D Geometric Morphometrics
Oral presentation at the 7th Archaeological Research and new Technologies Symposium - Communication Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.; Orengo, H.A.
New methods to explore past agriculture: Modern Experimental Cultivations and 3D Geometric Morphometrics
Oral presentation at the 5th Young Researchers in Archaeometry Workshop - Poster Alonso, N.; Carrión, Y.; Livarda, A.; Morales, J.; Peña-Chocarro, L.; Pérez-Jordà, G.; Voltas, J.
arqueoPLANT: a new network of researchers and a tool for the dissemination of archaeobotany in the Iberian Peninsula
28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.
Colonial economies of the Roman empire: long-distance spice trade as a proxy
Invited oral presentation at the workshop ‘Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes', Princeton University and Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP), ICAC - Communication Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Wallace, M.; Martin, P.; Kriti, A.
A pilot study of a new 3D GMM-based machine learning algorithm for the identification of crop landraces and agricultural practices
Oral presentation at the 19th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP) conference - Poster Kriti, A.; Livarda, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.; Orengo, H.A.
Feeding the Gap: A modern experimental cultivation project towards the creation of new tools for the exploration of agriculture in the past
19th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP) conference - Communication Filipovic, D.; Kirleis, W.; Bogaard, A.; Gkatzogia, E.; Hristova, I.; Jones, G.; Karathanou, A.; Kotzamani, G.; Lathiras, P.; Livarda, A.; Marinova, E.; Michou, S.; Obradović, D.; Paraskevopoulou, P.; Petridou, C.; Popova, T.; Stylianakou, H.; Valamoti, S-M
Triticum timopheevii in southeastern and eastern Europe: overview of the finds across space and time
Oral presentation at the 19th International Working Group of Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP) conference - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Kriti, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.
A new approach combining 3D Geometric Modern Morphometric analysis and machine learning for the identification of past landraces
Invited oral presentation at the 6th Scientific Meeting for Landraces and Indigenous Species. Exploring the world of crop landraces - Paper Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Kriti, A.; Mylonas, I.; Ninou, E.
Introducing a new methodological approach for the study of agriculture in the past: preliminary results
Invited oral presentation at the Archaeobotany Discussion group University of Oxford, UK - Others scientific Livarda, A.; Pagnoux, C.
Session chair for ‘Archaeobotanical research in Greece: case studies and regional syntheses’
Session Chair in the2nd Meeting of the Archaeobotany in Greece Group (MAGG) - Others scientific Kotsakis, K.; Livarda, A.
Session Chair at the session ‘Archaeology-History-Civilization’
Session Chair in the 6th Scientific Meeting for Landraces and Indigenous Species - Lecture Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories
Co-organiser of the conference, member of the scientific committee. 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology