Brief CV
Ramón y Cajal researcher at Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico (INAPH), University of Alicante, and affiliated researcher at ICAC.
Graduated in History (2014) from the University of Alicante, with an extraordinary Award and national end-of-degree Award and Master in Archaeology (2015). In 2019 she obtained a Doctorate with international mention and extraordinary Award with the thesis “Earth construction in the Late Prehistory of the southern Levant of the Iberian Peninsula: materials, techniques and building processes” (UA).
She has developed various communications at conferences and courses, as well as publications in books and scientific journals. Among others, she is the author of the books La construcción con tierra en arqueología: teoría, método, técnicas y aplicación (2017, UA Publications) and co-author of On cob balls, adobe and daubed straw plaits: A glossary on traditional earth building techniques (walls) in four languages (2019, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt), developed in collaboration with researchers from different countries.
She has carried out research stays at the Department of Archaeology at the University of Reading (2016) and the University of Southampton (2017, 2018), in the United Kingdom, as well as at the Saxony-Anhalt Office for Heritage Conservation and Archaeology from Halle, Germany (2017) and at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin (2022). She has also been Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge (2021), as well as at Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa – UNIARQ and at Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali della Università degli Studi di Padova (2023).
Her main line of research is focused on the archaeological study of materials and construction techniques, with a multidisciplinary methodology based on macroscopic analysis, complemented with microscopic analyses and ethnoarchaeological and experimental approaches.
She has been postdoctoral researcher at ICAC with a Juan de la Cierva- formación contract from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2020-2022), in the research team “Protohistoric Archaeology”, collaborating in the project “Estudio transdisciplinar y experimental de estructuras de combustión en el Mediterráneo occidental durante la protohistoria (1er milenio a.C.)” (PID2019-104661GB-I00 / AEI), led by Dr. Maria Carme Belarte. And after that, researcher Margarita Salas at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico (INAPH) from the University of Alicante.