Brief CV
Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Barcelona (1989) and Doctor in Prehistory, Ancient History, and Archaeology from the same university with excellent cum laude (2007). Postdoctoral researcher in the Juan de la Cierva Program (2008 call). Accredited by the Agency for Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU). Currently, a researcher affiliated with the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC, Tarragona) and associate researcher at UMR5140 “ASM”-Montpellier/LabEx Archimede ANR-11-LABX-0032-01.
My research has developed in two main areas: Roman amphora epigraphy and the design of virtual laboratories. As a member of the CEIPAC group in Barcelona, I have worked on amphora epigraphy at Monte Testaccio in Rome, in Bregenz (Austria), Xanten (Germany), and Tunisia. As an ICAC researcher, I have carried out projects in Nijmegen (Netherlands), Neuss (Germany), and Brijuni (Croatia). Most of my scientific production, including my doctoral thesis titled “Analysis and structuring of seals on Baetic oil amphorae” (2007), has focused on Baetic amphorae and oil kilns, especially on Dressel 20 and Dressel 23 productions, without forgetting the so-called ovoid amphorae.
In the field of information technology, notable achievements include the creation of the CEIPAC epigraphic database ( and two virtual laboratories: “Amphorae ex Hispania” from ICAC ( and “Ramppa – The Atlantic-Mediterranean Network of Excellence on Ancient Fishing Heritage” from the University of Cádiz ( In parallel, from 1998 to 2010, I was a consulting professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) for the Distance Multimedia Graduate program and the Computer Science, Multimedia, and Communications Studies