Scientific Activities
- Lecture Jones, G.
The Deer of Deerhurst: Landscape, lordship, custom, and ritual
2017 Deerhurst Lecture - Lecture Jones, G.
Forest in the Early Middle Ages - Communication Jones, G.
Changing Places: The cult of St Marina/St Margaret across space and time
XXIII International Congress of Byzantine Studies - Lecture Jones, G.
Seeds of sanctity: Constantine’s city and civic honouring of his mother Helena
Niš and Byzantium Symposium XIV - Lecture Jones, G. R.
Roads, herds, and waters: a diachronic approach to Sant Magí de Bufaganya
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- Lecture Jones, G.
Mapping bishops’ forests: regalian roots of episcopal hunting
Princes of the Church and their Palaces - Jones, G.
TASC (Transnational Atlas and Database of Saints Cults). Religious dedications in the diocese of Norwich - Jones, G.
TASC (Transnational Atlas and Database of Saints Cults). Religious dedications in the dioceses of Catalunya - Lecture Honouring St Guthlac: Gazetteer and Commentary
St Guthlac: 1300 - Lecture Sunburst, starlight and moonglow: Helena’s iconography and narrative in the context of divine cosmology
Niš and Byzantium, XV Symposium (2016)