Scientific Activity / Conference 03/06/2021 - 10:45 h “Building materials and building techniques in Iron Age northern Iberia (c. 600-200 BC)”
Scientific Activity / Talk 01/06/2021 - 12 h “Buscando esposas en la apoikia”, webinar amb Elena Duce
Scientific Activity / Conference 01/06/2021 - 15:30 h “Mats as a building material”, 29e Congrès préhistorique de France (CPF)
Scientific Activity / Lecture 20/05/2021 - 19 h Els enterraments infantils en els assentaments ibèrics: interpretacions actuals
Scientific Activity / One-day Seminar 19/05/2021 Jornadas académicas internacionales: Diacronía de un obelisco
Scientific Activity / Seminar 19/05/2021 - 18 h CEST Recent Advances in the study of the Ancient Mediterranean: Dr Krahtopoulou
Scientific Activity / Others scientific 13/05/2021 - 19 h Acte en memòria de Miquel Tarradell i Mateu (1920-1995)
Scientific Activity / Talk 06/05/2021 - 12 h “Cloth, economy and landscape: an introduction to the YARNSCAPE project”, open webinar
Scientific Activity / Seminar 04/05/2021 - 9 - 18.30 h SEMINARI INTERNACIONAL “Mètodes i tècniques d’estudi de l’arquitectura antiga en arqueologia”
Scientific Activity / Seminar 28/04/2021 - 18 h (CEST) Recent Advances in the study of the Ancient Mediterranean: Dr Veropoulidou