Scientific Activities
- Others scientific Buławka, Nazarij; Orengo, Hector; Garcia-Molsosa, Arnau; Ferrer-Bonet, Maria; Gallego Salas, Ana Isabel
Workshop: Recent Advances in Water Management Studies in the Archaeology of Arid Landscapes
Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) - Communication Apostolou, G., Venieri, K., Mayoral, A., Dimaki, S., Georgiadis, M., Garcia-Molsosa, A. & Orengo, H. A.
Building ancient settlement narratives with multi-scalar GIS mapping: The example of Grevena (Western Macedonia, Greece)
5th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) – GR Conference ‘Transforming heritage research in a transforming world’ - Lecture Apostolou, G., Mayoral, A., Venieri, K., Dimaki, S., Georgiadis, M., Garcia-Molsosa, A. & Orengo, H. A.
Holocene alluvial dynamics and human settlement histories in the Xerolakkos catchment (Grevena, GR) - Communication Carbonell, A.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Gallego, A.; Mayoral, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Palet, J. M.;
What does a roman do on top of that mountain? microregional landscape analysis of land-use dynamics in the Eastern Pyrenees
29th European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) Annual Meeting - Communication Mayoral, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Georgiadis, M.; Papadopoulos, N.; Kallintzi, C.; Kefalidou, E.; Trasanis, G.; Ejarque, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Palet, J. M.
A haven in the marshes: an integrated geoarchaeological approach of the Archaic and Classical harbour of ancient Abdera, Thrace, GR.
29th European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) Annual Meeting
See more
- Communication Palet, J. M.; Carbonell, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Rodrigo, E.; Ejarque, A.; Mayoral, A.; Orengo, H. A.
Archaeomorphological survey, centuriated networks and the shaping of cultural landscapes: a case study in the hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae (North-eastern Catalonia)
29th European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) Annual Meeting - Communication Conesa, F. C., Orengo, H. A., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Abhayan, G. S., Rajesh, S. V.
Mapping Indus Archaeology and Multi-Temporal Land Cover Trends in Semi-Arid Regions
Computational Applications in Archaeology Conference (CAA2023) - Communication Kour, N., Conesa, F. C., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H. A.
Loss of Heritage in Riverine Monsoonal Plains: Integration of Geospatial Legacy Data and Multi-Source Remote Sensing in Jammu, India
Computational Applications in Archaeology Conference (CAA2023) - Communication Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H. A., Georgiadis, M., Dimakis, N., Motsiou, P., Mayoral, A., Kefalidou, E., Kallintzi, K.
Machine Learning Approaches for a Multi-Scale and Multi-Source Detection and Characterization of Archaeological Sites: The Case of the Funerary Tumuli at Abdera (Thrace, Greece, 6th – 2nd C. BCE, Aprox.)
Computational Applications in Archaeology Conference (CAA2023) - Communication Garcia-Molsosa, A., Mayoral, A., Orengo, H. A., Kallintzi, C., Georgiadis, M. and Kefalidou, E.
Integration of Computational Methods in Archaeological Surveys: Experimenting with Digital Approaches in the Context of the Archaeological Project of Abdera and Xanthi (APAX)
Workshop Surveying Aegean Thrace in the Digital Era (επιφανειακες Ερευνες Στην Αιγαιακη Θρακη Στην Ψηφιακη Εποχη) - Others scientific Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Berganzo, I.
Session organization: Machine and deep learning methods in archaeological research: Beyond site detection
Computational Applications in Archaeology Conference (CAA2022) - Lecture G. Apostolou, M. Georgiadis, H. A. Orengo, A. Garcia-Molsosa, S. Dimaki, K. Venieri and A. Mayoral
Testing a multi-level extensive survey in a semi-mountainous landscape: the case of Grevena, NW Greece
41st International Mediterranean Survey Workshop - Lecture G. Apostolou, H. A. Orengo, A. Garcia-Molsosa, I. Berganzo
Artificial Intelligence and the archaeology of Greek landscapes
International Conference of Postgraduate Students of History and Archaeology ‘Interpreting Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea’ - Communication Palet, J.M.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Euba, I.
Integrated landscape research in ter high mountain valleys (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain): Livestock, settlement dynamics and land-use in a long-term perspective
Widening Horizons: 27 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Communication Carbonell, A.; Palet, J. M.; Colominas, L.; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Aliende, P.
Archaeological survey in a high-mountain environment: livestock settlements land-use and landscape dynamics in Puigpedrós massif and Duran valley (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
Widening Horizons: 27 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Lecture G. Apostolou, H. A. Orengo, A. Garcia-Molsosa, I. Berganzo
Towards a practical implementation of automated surface survey in Greece
Postgraduate conference ‘Beyond identities: Alternative approaches to the archaeology of individuals and groups’ - Communication de Palet, J. M.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Fossati, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Orengo, H. O.
Livestock, transhumance and landscape change in the Eastern Pyrenees (high Ter valleys): an interdisciplinary and long-term research
Congrés d’arqueologia del paisatge: LAC2020+1 - Others scientific Orengo, H. A.; Leppard, T. P.; Koparal, E.; Wilkinson, T. C.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Georgiadis, M.; Krahtopoulou, A.; Palet, J. M.
Presidència i moderació de la sessió: “Advances in archaeological survey”
Congrés d’arqueologia del paisatge: LAC2020+1 - Communication Georgiadis, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. O.; Kallintzi, C.; Kefalidou, E.; Ejarque, A.; Mayoral, A.; Palet J. M.
The Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi: New techniques and data
Congrés d’arqueologia del paisatge: LAC2020+1 - Communication Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H. A., Leppard, T. P., Murphy, E. A., Roppa, A., Georgiadis, M., Dimakis, N., Kefalidou, E., & Kallintzi, K.
Towards a practical application of automated drone-based archaeological survey
Landscape Archaeology Conference 2021+1 - Communication Palet, J. M.; Ejarque, E.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Rodrigo, E.; Orengo, H. A.; Ortega, M. J.
Integrated landscape analysis in the hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae (North-Eastern Catalonia)
Congrés d’arqueologia del paisatge: LAC2020+1 - Lecture G. Apostolou, H. A. Orengo, A. Garcia-Molsosa, I. Berganzo
Επιφανειακή αρχαιολογική έρευνα στην Ελλάδα: μια αυτοματοποιημένη προοπτική’ (in Greek)
Webinar series ‘Archaeozooms: διαδικτυακές διεπιστημονικές συζητήσεις για την αρχαιολογία του σήμερα, τα ερευνητικά πεδία και τις προοπτικές απασχόλησης στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό' - Communication Garcia-Molsosa, A.
Historical mapping and Remote Sensing applications for the study of Historical landscape dynamics in the Indus Basin. Study cases in Punjab Province (modern Pakistan) - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Conesa, F.C.; Petrie, C.A.
As above so below: artificial intelligence-based detection and analysis of archaeological sites and features at a continental scal
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Archaeology - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Conesa, F.C.; Green, A.S.; Petrie, C.A.
New Approaches to the Archaeology of the Indus Civilisation Using TanDEM-X in Combination with Multisensor Multitemporal Satellite Data and Machine Learning
TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting 2019 - Communication Palet, J. M.; Garcia Molsosa, A.; Polonio, T.; Colominas, L.; Orengo, H. A.; Pescini, V.; Fossati, M.
Land-use and human occupation in Ter high mountain valleys (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain): a long-term and multidisciplinary landscape research
Beyond Paradigms. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2019) - Communication Palet, J. M.; Pescini, V.; Fossati, M.; Colominas, L.; Garcia Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Polonio, T.; Euba, I.
Charcoal macro-remains analysis in an integrated landscape research: land-use in a long-term and multidisciplinary perspective (Ter High Mountain Valleys, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
7th International Anthracology Meeting - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Conesa, F.C.; Green, A.S.; Singh, R.N.; Petrie, C.A.
Combining TanDEM-X with multi-temporal, multi-source satellite data for the reconstruction of the Bronze Age landscapes of the Indus civilisation
IGARSS 2019 - Communication Ejarque, A.; Julià, R.; Riera, S.; Palet, J. M.; Garcia Molsosa, A.
Landscape changes following Greek and Roman contacts and settlement in the coastal hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae (NE Spain)
MedPalyno2019. The Mediterranean Palynological Societies Symposium 2019 - Communication Garcia-Molsosa, A.
Look below by looking above: contributions of the combination of aerial survey and computational methods for archaeological surveys
IberoArchUK 2019 - Communication Conesa, F.C.; Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Green, A.S.; Petrie, C.A.
Multi-temporal and multi-sensor data integration for the machine learning detection of archaeological mounds: perspectives from South Asian archaeology
ESA Living Planet Symposium - Communication Garcia Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Polonio, T.; Palet, J. M.
Archaeology of High-Mountain Pastoral Campsites in the High-Pyrenees
Empirical approaches to mobile pastoralist households. 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA 2019) - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Conesa, F.C.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Petrie, C.A.
Applications of machine and deep learning for the identification and analysis of archaeological sites at a continental scale using 40 years of multi-source satellite data
Big Data in Archaeology: Practicalities and Possibilities - Paper Palet, J. M.; Garcia Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.
Explotación de recursos y formación de paisajes culturales en los Pirineos orientales (alto Segre y Ter): las ocupaciones de alta montaña desde la perspectiva de la arqueologia del paisaje
Workshop. Arqueoloxía en áreas de montaña: últimos desenvolvementos e retos de futuro na Peninsula Ibérica - Communication Garcia, A.; Ciurana, J.; Oliver, J.
Estudi històric i arqueològic del vilar de Sant Julià de Valldaneu (Sant Martí de Centelles)
V Jornades d'Arqueologia a la Catalunya Central - Communication Palet, J. M.; Garcia, A.; Ejarque, A.; Rodrigo, E.; Ortega, M. J.; Orengo, H. A.; Riera, S.
Landscape changes, settlement and centuried systems in the hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae (North-Eastern Catalonia)
Reflecting Futures. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2018) - Poster Gallego, A.; Colominas, L.; Garcia, A.
Aiguafreda de Dalt: an example of a wealthy diet in a Late Antiquity community at Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
13th ICAZ International Conference (ICAZ 2018) - Paper Palet, J. M.; Garcia, A.; Olmos, P.; Polonio, T.; Orengo, H. A.
Formes d’ocupació de l’espai al Pirineu Oriental: dinàmiques històriques
Seminari internacional. Ocupació humana i impacte ecològic als Pirineus. Mètodes i problemàtiques de la recerca arqueològica a l’alta muntanya - Paper Riera, S.; Julià, R.; Miras, Y.; Ejarque, A.; Palet, J. M.; Garcia, A.; Polonio, T.; Orengo, H. A.
Canvis ambientals i modelatge antròpic del paisatge d’alta muntanya a les capçaleres de Ter-Fresser-Mantet: estudis multiproxy de torberes d’alta muntanya en el marc dels projectes Interambar i Teramar
Seminari internacional. Ocupació humana i impacte ecològic als Pirineus. Mètodes i problemàtiques de la recerca arqueològica a l’alta muntanya - Poster Riera, S.; Julià, R.; Miras, Y.; Palet, J. M.; Polonio, T.; García, A.; Orengo, H. A.
Climate variability, human use and landscape change of high mountain environments: Coma de Vaca and Ter valleys, Eastern Pyrenees
Scientist meeting. Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective - Paper Palet, J. M.; García, A.; Rodrigo, E.; Orengo, H. A.; Polonio, T.
Structuration et occupation du paysage littoral d’Empúries à l’Antiquité: archéo-morphologie, prospections et analyse des réseaux centuriés
Workshop International. Entre Mer et Océan : archéologie et paysage littoral - Communication Palet, J. M.; Olmos, P.; Garcia, A.; Polonio, T.; Orengo, H.; Riera, S.
Occupation et anthropisation des espaces de haute montagne dans les vallées de Núria et Coma de Vaca (Pyrénées orientales, Catalogne): résultats des recherches archéologiques et patrimoniales
142 Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques. Circulations montagnards, circulations européennes - Communication Garcia, A.
Mountain Landscapes: the archaeological perspective
Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions. The Tenth IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference. - Paper Palet, J. M.; Orengo, H. A.; Garcia, A.; Polonio, T.; Ejarque, A.; Miras, Y.; Riera, S.
Landscape Archaeology in Eastern Pyrenees high mountain areas (Segre & Ter valleys, NE Iberian Peninsula): human activities in the shaping of Mountain Cultural Landscapes
Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions. The Tenth IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference. - Communication Garcia, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Krahtopoulou, A.; Dimoula, A.
The Kambos Project: Remote Sensing Applications and Archaeological Approaches for the Reconstruction of the Disappeared Cultural Record of the Western Thessalian Plain
82nd Meeting of Society for American Archaeology (SAA) - Communication Olmos, P.; Furdada, G.; Garcia, A.; Polonio, T.; Palet, J. M.
Evaluating natural hazards and tourist impact on mountain archaeological heritage in Núria and Coma de Vaca valleys (Eastern Pyrenees)
YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage 2016 - Communication Colominas, L.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.; Palet, J. M.
Grasslands, huts and sheep: Animal husbandry in the eastern Pyrenees during the Early Roman period: an interdisciplinary approach
Landscape Archaeology Conference 2016 - Communication Palet, J.M.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Riera, S.; Polonio, T.; Euba, I.; Julià, R.
Livestock activities in Eastern Pyrenees high mountains areas (Núria and Coma de Vaca valleys, Catalonia): the human shaping of a Cultural Landscape
4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC2016) - Communication Garcia, A.; Polonio, T.; Giralt, S.; Oliver, J.; Riera, S.;Palet, J.M.
Farming (and fearing) the riverbed. Agriculture and herding, socioeconomic structures and natural disasters in a Mediterranean riverscape during the Holocene
4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC2016) - Communication Palet, J.M.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Polonio, T.
Ocupacions ramaderes altimontanes a les capçaleres del Ter (Vall de Núria i Coma de Vaca, Queralbs): resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques 2010-2015
XIII Jornades d’Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona - Paper Palet, J. M.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H. A.
Els espais altimontans pirenaics a l’Antiguitat: 10 anys d’estudis en arqueologia del paisatge del GIAP-ICAC
1er Congrès Internacional d'Arqueologia Pirinenca. L'explotació dels recursos naturals al Pirineu oriental en època antiga - Poster Garcia, A.; Oliver, J.
From foodscapes to concretescapes – through crisiscapes. The irrigation systems of la Garriga (Barcelona), 12th – 21st C.
Crossing Boundaries: the Creation of Foodscapes. AEA spring conference. - Lecture Palet, J. M.; Orengo, H. A.; Garcia, A.
L’arqueologia del paisatge i l’estudi de l’ocupació ramadera d’espais altimontans pirinencs: recerques microrregionals a l’Alt Segre i a les capçaleres del Ter
Seminari Internacional Estudis transdisciplinars sobre ramaderia i pastoralisme - Communication Arnau Garcia, Josep M. Palet
Prospecciones arqueomorfológicas en llano y áreas de montaña. Experiencias del Grupo de Investigación en Arqueología del Paisaje (GIAP) del ICAC
Dando sentido a la prospección arqueológica/ Making sense of archaeological survey - Communication Arnau Garcia; Marta Flórez
Dinàmiques de poblament entorn a la conquesta romana. El cas de Samalús (Vallès Oriental) des de la perspectiva de l’arqueologia del paisatge
Les estratègies d’ocupació dels territoris conquerits a les províncies hispanes els segles II-I aC: primers assentaments de control i models d’implantació - Communication Arnau Garcia; Marta Flórez; Josep M. Palet; Santiago Giralt
Paths and settlement in a Roman rural landscape: A geo-archaeomorphological analysis in the Congost Valley (Barcelona, Spain)
3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference - Poster Arnau Garcia; Jaume Oliver; Maria Jaime
The “Aiguafreda de Dalt” Project: an historical and archaeological research programme on sites, people and territories between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in a mountainous rural landscape (Aiguafreda, Montseny massif, Catalonia)
3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference - Paper Josep M.Palet, Hèctor A. Orengo, A. Garcia
Explotación y ocupación de espacios altimontanos pirenaicos en época romana: visiones desde la Arqueología del Paisaje
IV CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI VELEIATI - Communication Arnau Garcia; Marta Flórez; Meritxell Lladó; Josep Maria Palet; Santiago Giralt
Construcción y dinámicas de un paisaje antropizado durante la antigüedad: Estudio arqueológico y sedimentológico microrregional de un sector del llano prelitoral catalán (Samalús, Barcelona
XVIII Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica. Centro y periferia en el mundo clásico - Poster Josep M. Palet, Ana Ejarque, Hèctor Orengo, Ramon Julià, Javier Marco, Santiago Riera, Arnau Garcia, Jordi Montaner
Landscape dynamics and territorial organization in the Empordà littoral plain (North-Eastern Catalonia) from the Antiquity to the Medieval period: an integrated landscape analysis
XVIIII Congrés Internacional d'Arqueologia Clàssica - Communication Garcia, A; Flórez, M.; Lladó, M.; Palet, J.M.; Giralt, S.
Una aproximació arqueològica als paisatges del massís del Montseny: Resultat de les campanyes de prospecció en espais supraforestals (Matagalls-pla de La Calma) i del peu del massís (Samalús)
VIII Trobada d'Estudiosos del Montseny - Communication Garcia, A.; Flórez, M.; Lladó, M.; Euba, I.; Palet, J.M.; Giralt, S.
Human Land Use Strategies in a Mediterranean Mid-Mountain Landscape (Montseny Massif, Barcelona). Analysing Human Landscape Impact through Archaeological
2nd International Landscape Archaeology Conference - Communication Palet, J.M.; Julià, R.; Riera, S.; Ejarque, A.; Orengo, H.; Miras, Y.; Garcia, A.; Allée, Ph.; Reed, J.; Marco, J.; Marquès, M.A.; Furdada, G.; Montaner, J.
Landscape systems and human land-use interactions in Mediterranean highlands and litoral plains during the Late Holocene: integrated analysis from the InterAmbAr Project (North-Eastern Catalonia)
2nd International Landscape Archaeology Conference - Talk Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.
Els sistemes d’informació geogràfica en l’estudi del paisatge històric: L’exemple dels treballs del Grup d’Investigació en Arqueologia del paisatge de l’ICAC
IV Curs científic i tècnic Les noves tecnologies a l'arqueologia. Darreres tendències i aplicacions (TIC i SIG) - Poster Garcia, A.; Flórez, M.; Lladó, M.; Trullén, A.; Palet, J.M.; Giralt, S.
Settlement evolution, field systems and sedimentary processes in a Mediterranean mid-mountain (Montseny massif, Catalunya)
XXXIIes Rencontres Internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes: Variabilités environnementales, mutations sociales: natures, intensités, échelles et temporalités des changements - Communication Orengo, H.A.; Palet, J.M.; Riera, S.; Ejarque, A.; García, A.
The diversity and complementary nature of mountain activities. Towards a characterization of mountain cultural landscapes
International Workshop on Archaeology of European Mountain Landscapes Carved mountains. Engraved stones. Contributions to the environmental resources archaeology of the Mediterranean mountains - Communication Flórez, M.; Garcia Molsosa, A.
Poblamiento y estructuración del territorio en la comarca del Vallès Oriental: Metodología y resultados preliminares
III Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica - Poster Garcia Molsosa, A.
A cultural landscape research in a mediterranean mountain area. The “Massís del Montseny project (Barcelona – Girona)”
2e Workshop International d'Archéologie du Paysage des Montagnes Européennes. La construction des territoires montagnards. Explotation des ressources et Mobilité des prectiques - Communication Georgiadis, M., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Mayoral, A., Orengo, H. A., Ejarque, A., Kefalidou, E., & Kallintzi, K.
The Ionian foundations of Abdera: Developing a multidisciplinary approach to explore the construction of colonial landscapes in the Mediterranean
Princeton Athens Center Workshop - Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes - Communication Mayoral, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Ejarque, A.; Georgiadis, M.; Kallintzi, C.; Kefalidou, E.; Trasanis, G.; Papadopoulos, N.; Apostolou, G.; Gaertner, V.; Orengo, H.; Palet, J-M.
A race to the sea? New geoarchaeological evidence to rethink the history of the ancient Abdera (Gr.) and its harbour.
43rd AEA conference - Communication Kallintzi, K.; Kefalidou, E.; Georgiadis, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Mayoral, A.; Papadopoulos, N.; Chrysafis, N.; Hatziprokopiou, K.; Skoularíki, D.
What does a modern fence fit on the ancient beach of Abdera?
35th AEMTH conference - Talk Mayoral, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.
Investigating Transported Mediterranean Landscapes: interdisciplinary analysis of the territories of the Ionian settlements of Abdera (Thrace) and Emporion (Iberia).