Brief CV
She obtained a Bachelor degree in History at the University of Girona (2018), following the pathway of Archaeology and Heritage. Within her bachelor studies she took part in several archaeology courses organized by the aforementioned university with the collaboration of the Archaeological Museum of Catalunya (MAC-Empúries) and the Regional Archaeological Museum of Banyoles.
Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Archaeology at the University of Barcelona (2019), with a specialization in Archaeology of Materials and Technological Processes. Her dissertation was supervised by Dr Verónica Martínez and focused on the archaeometric analysis of several dolia from some archaeological settlements located in the North-East of Catalonia. The aim of her project was to establish the origin of the sampled material and the identification of some of the dolia manufacturing technological processes.
Maria is currently a PhD researcher in the ICAC, as a member of the research team in Food, Economy and Trade in the Ancient World (Aecma), with a scholarship granted by the Spanish Government. Her doctoral research is part of the ICAC project “Figlinae Hispaniae (FIGHISP). Catálogo en red de las alfarerías hispanorromanas y estudio de la comercialización de sus productos” (PGC2018-099843-BI00), led by ICAC researcher Ramon Járrega.
Her thesis project focuses on the production, use and trade of roman dolia in the Hispania Citerior area, under the title “La producción de dolia y sistemas de almacenaje en la Hispania Citerior“ and the direction by Dr Ramon Jarrega and co-direction by Dr Joaquim Tremoleda (curator and archaeologist in MAC-Empúries).