Jornada Catalunya i les noves tendències en cartografia històrica
Barcelona, el 3 d'octubre
The TIR-FOR project is currently engaged on the digitization of the roman sites’ fundamental information in a large database, under unified criteria and with visibility into a single portal, open access. The same system will display data on maps driven by different online mapping applications (such as Google Maps, AWMC, DARE). The different archaeological sites will be connected with other online applications (such as Pelagios, GAP, ORBIS or Europeana), and provided with additional information such as photographs, videos, classic texts, links to museums’ websites, information about sites open to the public and the like. The target is to create an interactive and open access map with information and additional links. This will provide us with a working tool where researchers will find all the sites and the corresponding resources from the map display of the Roman world (thematic, typological and chronological maps). Additionally it will also promote the dissemination of research.