Belarte, M. C.; López Cachero, J.; Pons, E.; Rovira, M. C.; Sanmartí, J., "From prestige objects to the productive revolution: iron and siderurgy in Catalonia during the first millennium BC" a Belarte, M. C.; Rovira, M. C.; Sanmartí, J., Iron metallurgy and the formation of complex societies in the Western Mediterranean (1st millennium BC). Proceedings of the 8th International Archaeological Meeting of Calafell (Calafell, from 6th to 8th October 2016) (Calafell, del 6 al 8 d'octubre de 2016), Arqueo Mediterrània, 15, Àrea d'Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona - ICAC, Barcelona, p. 125-139.
Article en actes de congrés | 2020