Mayoral, A.; Peiry, J.-L.; Berger, J. F.; Ledger, P. M.; Depreux, B.; Simon, F. X.; Milcent, P.-Y.; Poux, M.; Vautier, F.; Miras, Y., "Geoarchaeology and chronostratigraphy of the Lac du Puy intra-urban protohistoric wetland, Corent, France. Geoarchaeology", Geoarchaeology, 33, 5, p. 594-604. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 1.882 (Q3, Geosciences, multidisciplinary); Scopus, CiteScore: 3.2 (Q1, 93%, Archeology); Carhus+A / 11.0 (ICDS).
Article en revistes indexades | 2018