New insights into Iron Age Aegean agriculture through a combined stable isotope analysis and 3D Geometric Modern Morphometrics approach.
Investigating the nature of LBA – EIA agricultural economies in the Aegean, through the use of stable isotope analyses and 3D morphometrics.
Aristocracy and animals: A glimpse of human diet and animal and animal products supply systems in the Roman residence of els Munts (Tarragona, north-east of the Iberian Peninsula)
Organizer and moderator of the GIAP 2023 Webinar Series, “Recent advances in the study of the Ancient Mediterranean”
Lectura de tesi doctoral sobre l’antiguitat tardana a partir de l’anàlisi arqueològica de l’arquitectura
Antes de la Dressel 20: tallers cerámicos y ánforas de aceite del Guadalquivir entre el final de la República y mediados del siglo I d.C.
Studying Ancient Nile Landscapes from the Clouds. Remote Sensing Analysis and Cloud Computing Techniques as a Base for Palaeo-Channel Studies in the Theban Area
Floods, farmland and settlements: the study of the ancient and modern Theban landscape through historical mapping, archaeomorphology, and remote sensing
El foro de Carthago Nova (Cartagena, España). Informe de las campañas arqueológicas de 2017–2020 y nuevas propuestas de interpretación