Historiografía y nuevas perspectivas de la necrópolis de Fuente del Moro (Colmenar Viejo) a partir de las prospecciones geofísicas mediante georradar 3D
Introducing a new methodological approach for the study of agriculture in the past: preliminary results
Sulle tracce di Emilio Sereni in Val Polcevera (Liguria). Fonti iconografiche e osservazioni di terreno per la storia ambientale
A new approach combining 3D Geometric Modern Morphometric analysis and machine learning for the identification of past landraces
Feeding the Gap: A modern experimental cultivation project towards the creation of new tools for the exploration of agriculture in the past
A pilot study of a new 3D GMM-based machine learning algorithm for the identification of crop landraces and agricultural practices
arqueoPLANT: a new network of researchers and a tool for the dissemination of archaeobotany in the Iberian Peninsula
New methods to explore past agriculture: Modern Experimental Cultivations and 3D Geometric Morphometrics