New insights into past agriculture: a modern experimental cultivation project that explores past agriculture with the aim of 3D Geometric Morphometrics
Assessment of traditional varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for their resistance in conditions of water deprivation
Modern Experimental Cultivations of Barley; Methods, Preliminary Results, Possibilities, and Limitations
From shape to grow conditions: a workflow combining micro-3D scanning, geometric morphometrics and machine learning for the analysis of past agricultural strategies
Reconstituting the Roman diet through organic residue analysis: the case of Guissona and Puig Castellar
New insights into past agricultural regimes: towards the creation of a new tool combining 3D Geometric Modern Morphometrics & machine learning
Pràctiques agroramaderes a Aiguafreda de Dalt (Aiguafreda, Vallès Oriental) durant l’Antiguitat Tardana (segles VI-VII n.e.)
An interdisciplinary approach to food economy in the western Roman Empire: organic lipid analysis and archaeobotanical remains of Iesso
New insights into Iron Age Aegean agriculture through a combined stable isotope analysis and 3D Geometric Modern Morphometrics approach
Investigating the dietary habits of the inhabitants of Roman Iesso and Puig Castellar of Biosca through the analysis of organic residues
El Born-La Ribera en època medieval (ss. IX-XIII). Una aproximació geomorfològica, arqueobiològic i documental a la història d’un paisatge