Landscape Geoarchaeology: Applications in Mediterranean Landscapes of Greece, Spain and France (IJC2020-045609-I)
«De la lletra i la pedra. La imatge i el simbolisme dels pedestals honorífics de la P(rovincia) H(ispania) C(iterior)», Cicle de conferències RSAT
Dalla geografia storica all’archeologia del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. Una irrinunciabile eredità di Massimo Quaini
A new meaning of the expression s.t-wr.t: place where the King is crowned and receives the signs of the Sed-Festival
Organizer of an International Meeting on “Historical and environmental characterisation of rural landscapes and local products: European experiences applied to conservation and valorisation”
Organizer of a public exhibition: On the trail of the shepherds in Liguria. Historical and environmental legacy of transhumance
El Congrés internacional sobre el Conjunt de Centcelles reunirà a Constantí més de vint especialistes d’àmbit internacional