The radio show Toquem pedra! (“hands-on with stones” in Catalan) on Classical Archaeology starts a new season on the Tarragona Radio grid. The program is conceived as a space for scientific dissemination on classical archeology based on the knowledge and research that we develop at the ICAC, with a special focus on the historical and cultural heritage of Tarragona.
Since 2020, this is a new edition of the radio program, which was run on the same radio on several occasions between 2013 and 2017. In season 2023, the radio show is in the morning magazine La veu de Tarragona, led by journalist Pep Sunyé and is broadcast daily from 9 to 11 a.m.
The radio show will be broadcast monthly on the third Monday at 10 a.m. and can be followed through 96.7 fm, on the Tarragona Radio website, in the APPs, and through DTT. It can also be heard in deferred on the Tarragona Radio website. You can also retrieve the audio of the program in the Podcast Zone of Tarragona Ràdio, and on our website (most of the programs are broadcast in Catalan or in Spanish).
Latest programs:
- Núm. 101 (06/12/2023). The invisible ingredients of architecture in Late Prehistory. With María Pastor (UA-ICAC) and Marta Mateu, researcher Beatriu de Pinós at the MIRMED research group in the ICAC.
Listen to the podcast at Radio Tarragona! L’arquitectura en els últims anys de la prehistòria i principis de la protohistòria.
- Num. 100 (05/15/2023). Las biografías ocultas en las paredes de Tarragona. With Diana Gorostidi (URV-ICAC), faculty at the URV and researcher at ArPA research group in the ICAC.
Listen to the podcast at Radio Tarragona! Diana Gorostidi: “Tàrraco té el patrimoni epigràfic més gran de la península Ibèrica”.
- Núm. 99 (04/17/2023). Investigar en tiempos de pandemia: la experiencia de un investigador internacional a caballo entre Grecia y Tarragona. With Giannis Apostolou, PhD reseracher at GIAP research group.
Season 2021-2022:
- Núm. 97 (25/05/2022). Archaeobotany: looking for evidence in Ancient seeds. With Alexandra Livarda, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the GIAP group (ICAC).
- Num. 96 (April 19, 2022). Andreu Muñoz recull la història de Sant Fructuós. With ICAC associate researcher Andreu Muñoz Melgar (Biblical Tarraconense Museum).
- Num. 95 (March 16, 2022). Answering bestial questions, with animal remains. With GIAP PhD researcher Abel Gallego, who is about to defend his doctoral thesis at the ICAC, on archaeozoology and the study of livestock practices in the tarraconensis Roman province based on novel dental microwear analysis on ovicaprine molar remains.
- Num. 94 (February 16, 2022). Commemoration of 11F with knowledge transfer and dissemination actions. With postdoctoral associate researcher Marta Flórez (GIAP) specialized in knowledge transfer of research, mediation projects for historical-archaeological and cultural heritage protection, and scientific education programs.
- Num. 93 (January 19, 2022). Sacar de la oscuridad el papel de la mujer en la antigüedad. With postdoctoral researcher Elena Duce, expert on Ancient Culture study with a gender approach.
- Num. 92 (December 15, 2021). What was the tomb of the Egyptian priest Imephor like? Josep Maria Puche talks about his participation in a rescue archaeological expedition (to prevent looting) in the small pharaonic necropolis of Kom el-Khamasin (Egypt). The expedition was led by a team from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Antiquities Service of the Government of Egypt.
- Num. 91 (Nov, 17, 2021). Els aqüeductes romans de Tàrraco. With Jordi López, who exposes the latest advances in the research project he is leading on the Roman aqueducts of Tarraco, awarded the XI Tarraco Prize.
- Num. 90 (Oct. 20, 2021). Los mensajes ocultos en los mármoles romanos. With Diana Gorostidi (URV-ICAC) and Laura Galán.
Season 2020-2021:
- Num. 89 (July 27, 2021). Programa especial des de Mas dels Frares. With Josep Maria Macias, Karen Fortuny y Francesc Rodríguez, ICAC researchers. And the participation of Fernando Zamora (Celler de Mas dels Frares de la URV); Òscar Sànchez, mayor of Constantí City Council; and Clara Dalmau, sumiller at the Consell Regulador de la Denominació d’Origen Catalunya.
- Num. 88 (June 22, 2021). Accés obert al coneixement de l’ICAC. With Lydia Gil, officer at the Library of the ICAC.
- Num. 87 (May 22, 2021). Les àmfores ens expliquen com treballaven els artesans fa milers d’anys. With Oriane Bourgeon, postdoctoral researcher at ArPA research team.
- Num. 86 (April 13, 2021). L’estudi de l’arquitectura antiga en arqueologia. With María Pastor, postdoctoral researcher at Protohistoric research team.
- Num. 85 (March 16, 2021). La zooarqueologia. With Lídia Colominas, Ramón y Cajal researcher at GIAP.
- Num. 84 (February 16, 2021). Arqueologia subaquàtica. With Enric Colom, PhD researcher at Aecma research team.
- Num. 83 (January 20, 2021). L’aqüeducte del Gaià. With Jordi López, senior researcher at the ICAC.
- Num. 82 (December 23, 2020). Deu anys del concurs Odissea!. With Txell Blay, president of the Associació APLEC, and Maura Lerga, Head of Communication and Publications at the ICAC.
- Num. 81 (November 25, 2020). Especial 25N des de la plaça de la Font de Tarragona. With Lydia Gil and Maura Lerga, members of the Equality Committee of the ICAC. In the second part of the program, researchers Josep Maria Macias and Karen Fortuny talked about the archaeological site Ancient Valencia (València “la vella”) and the book Recintos fortificados en época visigoda (Trama, 8).
- Num. 80 (October 28, 2020). Especial Nit Europea de la Recerca. With Ana Gallego, Montse Cartañà, Laia Pellejà and Maria José Guilera.
- Num. 79 (September 30, 2020). Investigadores de diferents generacions, disciplines i procedències, treballen plegades a l’equip ArPa de l’ICAC. With Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, codirector of the Archaeometril Studies Unit; Isabelle Pianet, University of Bordeaux – CNRS; Simona Perna, MSC researcher at ArPA; and Laura Galán, PhD researcher at ArPA.
- Num. 78 (August 26, 2020). Els aqüeductes romans de Tàrraco. With Jordi López and Josep Maria Puche.
- Num. 77 (July 29, 2020). La vil·la romana de Mas dels Frares (Constantí, Tarragona). With Josep Maria Macias, Karen Fortuny, Francesc Rodríguez and Ada Lasheras.
- Num. 76 (June 26, 2020). El programa Toquem Pedra torna a la graella de Tarragona Ràdio!. With Josep Maria Palet, Alexandra Livarda and Lídia Colominas, GIAP researchers.
Related news: “Tocando Piedra”: vuelve el programa de divulgación sobre arqueología clásica en Tarragona Radio.